Norddeutsche HiFi-Tage 2015 in Hamburg

February 21, 2015  •  Kommentar schreiben

Norddeutsche HiFi Tage 2015 in Hamburg - Walter Kircher HiFi visited first time the biggest regional German fair. Since 10 years the Hifi Studio Bramfeld is running the fair with great success. 4000 visitors and a crowded Holiday Inn hotel in Hamburg speak for themselves. Symposium Acoustics racks, bases and Rollerblocks footers were the reason for my trip to Hamburg.


Group photo with fair organizers and my two co-exhibitors in room - from left:


Wolfgang Borchert (owner of Hifi Studio Bramfeld), Volker Bohlmeier (owner of Einstein Audio), Andrea Vitali (Blumenhofer Acoustics and Cammino) and Ivonne Borchert-Lima (Hifi Studio Bramfeld and personal organizer of the complete fair)


group photo with exhibition team - from left:group photo with exhibition team - from left:Wolfgang Borchert, owner of hifi studio Bramfeld which organizes the fair
Volker Bohlmeier, Einstein Audio
Andrea Vitali, Blumenhofer Acoustics and Cammino
Ivonne Borchert-Lima, hifi-studio Bramfeld and perfect organizer of complete fair


Something new - produced a short video clip about the structure of our setups. Walter Kircher HiFi Youtube account also created.


our setup:




Playback at the show was only analogue from TechDAS Air Force Two turntable. Perfectly positioned at the Symposium Acoustics rack and additional Ultra platforms - how shall I describe the sound? Wow, wow! Big Authority, human timbre, open, the right sense of timing - analogue sounds still rules. Many visitors were surprised by the mid-class Blumenhofer Acoustics Tempesta 20 speakers - 92.5dB sensitivity, a horn midrange-tweeter - old school sound perfected by modern means.


Volker Bohlmeier and Andrea Vitali were the right partners to get great sound live at a fair as a team. In reality they both know how to make a worldclass setup, engaging and highly musical - i just added the fantastic Symposium Acoustics rack and other tools of same brand - yes sound quality sure grows dramatically in the correct direction - and and the musicality stayed including increased power and body. Fantastic speakers, sure top amplifier, worldclass turntable - for many best setup in Hamburg.


At the end of a successful trade fair I and Andrea Vitali...At the end of a successful trade fair I and Andrea Vitali...


Accustic Arts also took part in the fair - with German Audio Physic loudspeakers - a good combination i had two times in Vienna 4 or 5 years ago on show too. The new Accustic Arts PLAYER II reference cd-player, partnered with Accustic Arts Tube Preamp II MK2 and MONO II drove new Audio Physic Cardeas plus+ speakers with great result.


And I met again Matthias Boede from German STEREO magazine demonstrating in one of his well-known workshops the importance of additional footers and their benefit in resulting sound quality. As i represent since many years Symposium Acoustics i am very aware of that of course. Fighting microphonic and good coupling rules.


Attention: on April 18 Matthias Boede is special guest in Linz, Austria at Sambs Hifi shop.


Matthias Boede - a big fan of German Accustic Arts electronics!Matthias Boede - a big fan of German Accustic Arts electronics!No wonder - the complete Accustic Arts reference electronics line got reference status in German STEREO magazine - always 100%


Dr. Feickert Analogue Firebird - the biggest turntable in portfolio, able to handle two 12 inch tonearms - was shown in full setup including three Feickert world premieres:


The Clean battery power supply, the new upcoming Dr. Feickert Analogue WREN phonostage (will be available from the High-End in Munich ) and the new SILENT base.


Chris Feickert revealed exclusively in Hamburg for the first time his soon to be released phonostage (see marking as prototype on photo) - the specs so far:

  • 3 inputs
  • gain normal or high
  • RIAA, NAB, EMI, ffrr/Decca and Columbia equalization curves
  • output stereo and mono; left or right


Dr. Feickert Analogue new battery power supply Clean (open) and new WREN phonostageDr. Feickert Analogue new battery power supply Clean (open) and new WREN phonostageChris Feickert revealed exclusively in Hamburg for the first time his new upcoming WREN phonostage (see marking as prototype, available from the high-end in Munich)
the great specs:

third world first: brandnew
Dr. Feickert Analogue SILENT base under Firebirf turntable



Visit Walter Kircher HiFi at the next high-end show in Prague - 27 + 28 March!


>>> complete photo albums from Hamburg

>>> Walter Kircher HiFi on Facebook

>>> Walter Kircher HiFi on Youtube


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