Kircher HiFi Distribution: Blog en-us (C) Kircher HiFi Distribution [email protected] (Kircher HiFi Distribution) Mon, 16 Mar 2020 07:16:00 GMT Mon, 16 Mar 2020 07:16:00 GMT Kircher HiFi Distribution: Blog 120 61 Norddeutsche HiFi-Tage 2018 in Hamburg - we did it again We did it again - Tune Audio genius Manolis ProestakisWalter Kircher from Walter Kircher HiFi with other brands Chisto, Das Klang and Symposium Acoustics took part at the best regional German hifi show - the Norddeutsche HiFi-Tage 2018 in Hamburg.


See here our setup with Manolis and Frank Hakopians in front of. Frank wrote recently an excellent review of Tune Audio Marvel horn loudspeakers in German magazine Fairaudio. 6moons shared the German review - so you can enjoy it in English too.


Manolis Proestakis with Frank Hakopians, who wrote the review of Marvel speakersManolis Proestakis with Frank Hakopians, who wrote the review of Marvel speakers>>> FAIRAUDIO review in German
>>> review in English


The only source 2018 was analogue again - the Dr. Feickert Analogue top model - the Firebird turntable. And we thank the German Luxman distributor IAD GmbH to provide the sweet Luxman tube phonostage and Class a integrated amplifier in Hamburg. Worked well together with Das Klang cables, IsoTek power conditioning and Symposium Acoustics rack and Rollerblocks. Class A amplification was a perfect match for Tune Audio Marvel hornspeakers.


Cool electronics in Symposium Acoustics statement rackCool electronics in Symposium Acoustics statement rack


And again live record washing at the show was done to provide best analogue sound as possible - with complete Chisto Easy Groove cleaning fluids assisted by a Nessie Vinylmaster record washing machine.


Chisto Easy Groove supersets - complete set of Vinyl cleaning fluidsChisto Easy Groove supersets - complete set of Vinyl cleaning fluidscontains a probe of all Chisto Easy Groove record cleaning fluids - a perfect present for your analogue friends!


>>> Visit our complete photo story for more details of our showroom in Hamburg 2018!


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[email protected] (Kircher HiFi Distribution) analog chisto feickert_analogue friebird horn isotek lautsprecher luxman nessie pflege reinigung schallplatte symposium_acoustics thales tune_audio Fri, 16 Mar 2018 16:14:23 GMT
Premiere of Tune Audio Prime hornspeakers and Glanz toenarm in Linz My active dealer Peter Sambs in Linz, Austria made the next appointment with me. My special plan - an upper echelon event: everything concentrated on sound - fragile, sweet, powerful, a timbre to die, lifelike as main targets. Careful preparation and planning followed by complete the installation days before the event - to allow the equipment to settle and to show full potential. You can not do the necessary fine tuning immediately, it needs time.


different perspective viewsTune Audio Prime horn loudspeaker - Blue Moon Award winners


Three Premieres:


Play partners:


GLANZ MH-124S tonearmGLANZ MH-124S - The tonearm statement from Japan!


The Japanese GLANZ MH-124S tonearm is incredibly accurate and precise, like a whip and at the same time musically, coherent and shows corpus, Gestalt in music playback. The great highlight and right base for best cartridges - already tried Lyra, SPUs - in Linz the Dynavector Te Kaitora Rua.


NEW: For more info about technical background and options of the great tonearms visit the new released GLANZ website in English language.


Yeah - Peter Sambs satisfied listening to his private recordsYeah - Peter Sambs satisfied listening to his private records


Just look at the smile of my dealer - it tells you the story. My best setup there up today - everybody satisfied - a week later we repeat spontaneously a more intime meeting there. And the analogue setup including new EINSTEIN The Phonostage, everything placed at Symposium Acoustics remained for the following Kondo event too. - see my complete photo collection - last pics. As phono cable CHISTO Das Klang in its latest version Richter Limited Edition transmits the fragile signal to the phonostage.


EINSTEIN The Amp UltimateEINSTEIN The Amp Ultimate - compact integrated amp at the limit!


Munich HIGH END 2017 is upcoming - I will be there complete 4 days.


My brands will exhibit there:



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[email protected] (Kircher HiFi Distribution) analog chisto einstein_audio feickert_analogue friebird glanz horn isotek lautsprecher mh-124s nessie pflege prime reinigung schallplatte symposium_acoustics tonarm tonearm tune_audio Sun, 14 May 2017 10:43:43 GMT
Conrad Mas in Vienna at - AVID HIFI good-better-best turntable show Friday the 7th of April - the follower now directly after the successful Vienna Vinyl & Music Festival in the new Shop location in Vienna downtown. Conrad Mas, the founder and boss of AVID HIFI, personally came from England to present his turntables in the well known Good-Better-Best comparison show.


Thomas Rabenseifner recently relocated with his company to a former interior design office in the center of Vienna. Thomas prepared a very sweet setup for the three AVID HIFI record players - DIVA II SP, SEQUEL SP and top model ACUTUS SP equipped with similar SME tonearms and Nagaoka MP-150 Moving Iron high output cartridge. Amplification was done by a Lyric PS-10 phonostage, Valvet L2 preamp and Icon Audio MB 845i tube mono amps. Blumenhofer Acoustics Genuin FS3 MK2 hornspeakers fitted perfectly the new demo room of Thomas - remember 2016 at Vienna Vinyl & Music Fair 2016 we used Blumenhofer Acoustics Genuin FS2 model with great success.


Conrad Mas (AVID HIFI) and Thomas Rabenseifner (


Conrad Mas as always the typical British gentleman demonstrated with patience and enthusiasm again and again the different AVID HIFI record players. The difference was clear and the expensive top model AVID HIFI ACUTUS SP made an extremely clear step upwards! Well done again - so my personal advice again - for analogue record players rules:

  1. the transport
  2. the tonearm
  3. the cartridge (before take a look whether the tonearm wiring corresponds)




Second program point: Professional record cleaning demonstrated with Nessie Vinylmaster cleaning machine and CHISTO Easy Groove record cleaning fluids


Thomas Rabenseifner asked his guests to bring their own records - that worked wonderfully. For some heavily polluted records we use CHISTO Easy Groove Extreme pre-wash and for all CHISTO Easy Groove concentrate, which cleans very good, adds strong antistatic and also acts as the only fluid on the market antibacterial and fungicidal. Great success again - and it is not only about less noise and clicks (scratches can not be removed, clear) - the main benefit is much better sound - more corpus, power and dynamics, better timbre, pure emotion - after all dirt was removed from the grooves and the pickup could scan perfectly


Nessie Vinylcleaner record cleaning machine and CHISTO Easy Groove record cleaning fluids


As our professional record cleaning station was situated in the kitchen / bar in mid of the shop - you could listen to your own records before-after-cleaning in the main shop room. A smaller setup with a Thorens record player was prepared for that purpose.


We would like to thank the many interested visitors and Thomas Rabenseifner for the successful organization of the event. The new shop loacted in downtown is worth a visit for all hifi-lovers in and around Vienna!


Thorens in front showroom


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[email protected] (Kircher HiFi Distribution) Genuin Hornlautsprecher Plattenwaschmaschine Thomas_Rabenseifner austria avid_hifi blumenhofer_acoustics chisto hifi plattenreinigung simplyhifi stereo vienna wien österreich Mon, 17 Apr 2017 13:55:42 GMT
Vinyl & Music Festival 2017 in Vienna The new Vinyl & Music Festival 2017 at Ottakringer brewery event location was a great success. The festival is the further development of the previous Vinyl & Music Fair near the Gasometr city. The busy festival organizer Mr. Till Philippi welcomed almost 5000 visitors at the new absolute top Viennese location. What does this 3-day event involve? Live concerts, a record exchange with exhibitors from all over Europe, international poster artists, hifi, turntables, hifi workshops with experts, a photo exhibition of Ulrich Handl with many so far unpublished concert and backstage photos of stars like Jimi Hendrix, Beatkes, Rolling Stones, The Who, Led Zeppeling or Frank Zappa.


Best (not live) sound of Vinyl Festival - The setupBest (not live) sound of Vinyl Festival - The setup


Fix is already that we 2018 will again be strongly present. That so many young visitors came and also listened extensively to our showroom music was certainly the most positive surprise! Walter Kircher HiFi was assisted at the festival by Uwe Draabe from Hamburg who manufacturers the Nessie vinyl cleaning machines and the sales team Thomas Rabenseifner and Lukas Linek. Special Thanks to our sponsors AVID HiFi, Blumenhofer Acoustics, Chisto, Dr. Feickert Analogue, EINSTEIN, Nessie and - which made our great appearance possible. Wow!


We played good music around the clock - everything from opera to rock concerts. In the centre: the AVID HIFI Acustus SP record player which is the top model of the British manufacturer - big sound thanks to the firstclass subchassis too as the floor was moving a bit. German EINSTEIN Audio The Amp Ultimate looked compact - anyway this superb integrated amplifier justified its price of 16500 Euro and supplied the Blumenhofer Acoustics Genuin FS1 MK2 horn loudspeakers with seemingly unlimited power - 2 x 90 Watts at 8 Ohm and 96 dB sensitivity, high efficiency rules. Authority, maximum dynamics, magic timbre, sweet highs - everything was right and here - music ruled at the end.


Engineer Uwe Draabe from Hamburg and his Nessie Vinylmaster and Vinylcleaner machinesEngineer Uwe Draabe from Hamburg and his Nessie Vinylmaster and Vinylcleaner machines


The official Festival program included several record cleaning workshops in our showroom - assisted by these two brands: Nessie record cleaning machines and the complete Chisto EASY GROOVE audio cosmetics for analogue records. Surrounded by some talk how to do it right and answering questions of the audience - we demonstrated that not less clicks and noise are the real benefit of professional cleaning done by a top washing machine using the best cleaning fluids. Better sound in the form of more dynamcis, more 3D corpus and convincing timbre - that is the real emotional benefit. And every 2nd hand record bought at such vinyl exchange needs intensive cleaning at the start - here CHISTO Easy Groove Extreme and Enzycaster pre-wash solutions worked magic for the audience. Anyway - take care and try it yourself - mint and new sealed records need cleaning too before first listening.


Lukas Linek and Thomas Rabenseifner - Simply Hifi ViennaLukas Linek and Thomas Rabenseifner - Simply Hifi Vienna


Lukas Linek and Thomas Rabenseifner did a wonderful job at our booth. Please note and safe following date: On April 7th, there will be a big analogue event in the shop. Star guest is Conrad Mas from UK, the owner of AVID HIFI. He will do there his well-known good-better-best show - 3 AVID HIFI turntables equipped with same tonearm-cartridge combination - to demonstrate the importance of the analogue drive in your system - AVID HIFI Acutus as top model will be there too accompanied by Blumenhofer Acoustics Genuin horn loudspeakers. At the same time, I will demonstrate the professional record cleaning with Nessie cleaning machines assisted by our great CHISTO Easy Groove record cleaning fluids - of course with before / after comparison.


And for all those who are on Friday the 24.03 or Saturday the 25.03 in Linz at Sambs HiFi ... there is again the great opportunity to listen flagship Blumenhofer Acoustics Genuin FS1 MK2 horn loudspeakers in an excellent environment. In any case, you will always find all future dates on our event page.


Best (not live) sound of Vinyl Festival - The setupBest (not live) sound of Vinyl Festival - The setup


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[email protected] (Kircher HiFi Distribution) Blumenhofer_Acoustics Einstein_Audio Hifi Schallplatte Vinyl Wien avid_hifi chisto easy_groove feickert_analogue glanz nessie nessie_vinylcleaner nessie_vinylmaster ottakringer ottakringer_brauerei simplyhifi symposium_acoustics Sun, 19 Mar 2017 17:42:18 GMT
Norddeutsche HiFi-Tage 2017 in Hamburg At Norddeutsche HiFi-Tage 2017 (North-German hifi-days) 2017 in Hamburg we booked own showroom to present our products in best way. Walter Kircher HiFi is German and Austrian distributor of following four high-end audio brands:


Chisto - Glanz - Symposium Acoustics - Tune Audio


Manolis Proestakis came personally from Athen to present his Tune Audio hornspeakers. Propably you remember the big Tune Audio Anima horn loudspeakers (109dB sensitivity!) with gigantic Trafomatic Audio Elysium tube mono amplifiers in Munich 2016? One of the most reported and praised setups last year. For Hamburg we choose smaller Tune Audio Prime speakers: basshorn, modified Fostex driver, 93dB sensitivity, an easy load for every amp. These elegant speakers were already reviewed at and won the well-known Blue Moon Award.


Even in the small 15m2 hotelroom we head great sound with powerful, clean bass - thanks to horn principle which stimulates room resonances much less. Tune Audio modifies newest Fostex drivers in house and prefers 1st order crossovers, exhibiting zero phase shift. So tonality and timbre is very authentic and sweet, sound extreme coherent, timing perfect, spatiality outstanding, an orchestra or singer has corpus. For listeners who are deep in music.


Manolis Proestakis, Mastermind of Tune Audio speakersManolis Proestakis, Mastermind of Tune Audio speakers


Chisto boss Yuri Zamazeev arrived too in Hamburg and assisted us to demonstrate the complete Chisto Easy Groove audio cosmetics portfolio for record cleaning. Cleaning records of several visitors was a big success. Some looked really bad - so prewashing with Chisto Easy Groove Extreme astounted them.


Of course we used in audio setup the rare and limited Chisto Das Klang Richter signal and speaker cables. Especially I have to mention the new Chisto Das Klang Richter phonocable - a really rare, outstanding experience in analogue sound!


Armin Kern (my German sales agent for Chisto) and Yuri Zamazeev (Chisto)Armin Kern (my German sales agent for Chisto) and Yuri Zamazeev (Chisto)


Next premiere: From Japan came for analogue playback the ultimative Glanz MH-124SX 12 inch tonearm. Simple Japanese approach - to built the absolute best arm, oldschool heavy arm, massive and rigid with quick energy transfer. "The Glanz" Extra Heavy Weight tone arm is the final answer from Glanz (Founded in 1951), in terms of tone arm design and superb craftsmanship.


Mounted on a Dr. Feickert Analogue Firebird record player (the top model) the Glanz MH-124SX tonearm raised the Lyra Kleos MC pickup to unknown heights. As always our turntable used the Symposium Rollerblocks Serie 2+ with G2.5 superballs bearing devices based on an Ultra platform. Not to forget the state-of-the-art Symposium Acoustics I.S.I.S. rack system including additional Rollerblocks modules and isolation platforms as shelfs.


Analogue sound - as the only source!Analogue sound - as the only source!


Einstein Audio provided us its top level integrated amplifier The Amp Ultimate - a 16500 Euro compact dream machine. A preamp section with tubes is followed by a highly sophisticated outputstage using a so-called Circlotron-circuit similar to the OTL concept. Very puristic approach resulting in extreme fast sound with fragile resolution and outstanding natural timbre.


Einstein Audio's The Little Big Phono looks like 2 chocolates and is powered by the integr. amplifier. Sound was very permeable and lightning fast - no noise. As i know the Lyra well i have to confess i misse nothing - this little phono is magic.


I myself in a good mood in front of setupI myself in a good mood in front of setup


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[email protected] (Kircher HiFi Distribution) 2017 Cammino TechDas analog analogue avid_hifi blumenhofer_acoustics bramfeld chisto einstein_audio feickert_analogue glanz hamburg hifi high-end nessie nessie_vinylmaster stereo symposium_acoustics trafomatic_audio tune_audio vinyl Sun, 12 Feb 2017 10:20:27 GMT
Chris Feickert presenting his turntables at Sambs Hifi shop in Linz, Austria New year 2017 started with full analogue power and glory in Linz, Austria at Sambs Hifi shop. Dr. Chris Feickert himself presented there his 3 turntables Woodpecker, Blackbird and Firebird in two days. These events and workshops take place now in the newly designed second business location of, parallel to the main shop.


Dr. Feickert Analogue turntables enjoy the highest reputation worldwide. The most important US magazine Stereophile and its famous reviewer Michael Fremer rated the top model Firebird in its highest class A, Absolute Sound was enthusiastic about the entry model Woodpecker.


Dr. Chris Feickert in front of new Sambs Hifi event location


Our setup for the Dr. Feickert Analogue challenge:


Peter Sambs in his new showroom


Because the weekend was very well attended, Peter Sambs was in a good mood. Analogue sound is back in full glory. The primary interest of all visitors was of course the comparison of the three turntables. Clear results, clear steps up in performance and always for a fair price. Chris attached the whole two days the same tonearm and cartridge to the record players - so an absolute direct comparison.


The first surprise was for all visitors the change to the heavier platter with brass inlays - great tuning for more power and authority. All agreed a Must for every model.


Then the even bigger surprise. We use the Dr. Feickert Analogue CLEAN battery power supply instead of the standard power supply. Now I know what is still missing! And that even though we always used the superior power conditioner from IsoTek - EVO3 Titan and EVO3 Sigma!


So my big tip: The brass inertia platter upgrade is a Must have - order it with your new Feickert turntable. CLEAN with its extreme impact you can order later too - anyway try it before you decide which turntable model.


Chris Feickert finetuning the analogue setup


Chris Feickert as great lector- his expertise and experience was welcomed by many visitors. There is no better chance to talk with the mastermind, very personally and with enough time. gain I say Thank you Chris for coming! And i learned i need an additional battery power supply. :) Big impact!


To proove our good mood - the group photo - great wine selection in Linz, powerful analogue sound, great visitors and big success. Wow, we have to do that again.


See you soon in Febraury - if you are near Hamburg, Germany - at the Norddeutsche Hifi-Tage 2017 in Hamburg - room 240 with my four brands:



Chris Feickert, Peter Sambs and Walter Kircher


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[email protected] (Kircher HiFi Distribution) Blackbird Blumenhofer_Acoustics Chisto Dr._Feickert_Aalogue Easy_Groove Firebird Genuin Isotek Nessie Plattenwaschmaschine Trafomatic_Audio Vinylcleaner Vinylmaster Woodpecker analog analogue plattenspieler schallplatte tunrtable vinyl Sat, 21 Jan 2017 22:08:23 GMT
AVID HIFI factory visit One week before Christmas 2016 i took the chance to visit the AVID HIFI factory in Huntington, UK. Four guys went by car from Germany - Martin Klaassen and Uwe Kuphal from IDC Klaassen Germany, Theo Wubbolts from the Netherlands and myself. I liked the idea of traveling to England in the winter with his car ferry - right now after the Brexit vote. So we started at 7 in the morning before sunrise with the car to reach the ferry on time. The crossing from Calais in France to Dover was quiet, and England received us enveloped in typical fog.


And still about two hours on English highway to Huntingdon which is a market town in Cambridgeshire - known as the birthplace of Oliver Cromwell and our goal of the trip - AVID HIFI headquarters manufacturing well known analogue turntables since 1995 and today already started producing electronics and loudspeakers too - already on the successful way to the complete supplier.


Car ferry from Calais to Dover, UK


So what about the trip - yes of course there was a factory guide, we could enter everything, listen in the specific demo room the all AVID HIFI setup - very convincing, watch the various CAD machines in factory hall, learned that almost every part is manufactured in house. And founder and ceo Conrad Mas is a great networker - using many top contacts in Cambridge area, a big pool of hifi knowledge enriched with mainstream high-tech. Famous University of Cambridge is only half an hour away.


Avid Hifi factory showroom


The most interesting part of the visit was also an exhausting part. Conrad Mas talked about a few hours about practically every part, every detail of an AVID HIFI record player. There is a technical reason for everything - benefits and disadvantages of different solutions. In short Conrad's statement: "You can ask me everything - I've tried everything". He takes care for every detail and always keeps an eye on the whole - the right balance.


A brief summary of the technical background can be found here on the AVID HIFI website.


Conrad Mas with experimental part - researching to avoid resonances in right way...


To complete the trip the obligatory group photo - seconds before our departure to catch the ferry to Europe again on time. We had luck - The wintry afternoon sun cast a warm light on the AVID HIFI factory.


Starting from left:


Theo Wubbolts, Quad-raad Netherlands

Martin Klaassen and Uwe Kuphal - IDC Klaassen Germany

Gary Cooper, Conrad Mas (CEO and founder), Stuart Stowe, Ian Godfrey, Simon Rae - all AVID HIFI team

Walter Kircher (myself)


Group photo in front of Avid Hifi factory


>>> Visit complete photo album of AVID Hifi trip here!

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[email protected] (Kircher HiFi Distribution) acutus analog analogue avid_hifi calais conrad_mas dover england huntingdon mono plattenspieler record_player schallplatte stereo turntable uk vinyl Tue, 27 Dec 2016 17:31:54 GMT
High-End 2016 Munich - news teaser for "my" brands! 05 to 08 May 2016 - High-End show in Munich - nowadays the number one global fair for high-end audio

In alphabetical order all already known News of my brands!




Atrium A4.1, rooms E121+F110 - Conrad Mas personally present his new top record player AVID HIFI Acutes Reference Mono SP - the sheer power comes from a new, heavily overdressed power supply. And yes upgrades to consisting Acutus models will be available. Avid Hifi electronics and new speaker lineup will be on show too.


Dr. Feickert Analogue Firebird turntableDr. Feickert Analogue Firebird turntableChris Feickert's top product in special design - Ducatis painted in oil! I like it!

Dr. Feickert Analogue

The masterpieces of Chris Feickert you find at booth F14 in hall 2. The best chance to meet Chris Feickert in real life - go there. As a highlight one Dr. Feickert Analogue Firebird turntable equipped with a Lyra Etna and new available Schroeder CB tonearm will power the demonstration of US Magico speakers.


Blumenhofer Acoustics Genuin FS1 MK2Blumenhofer Acoustics Genuin FS1 MK2


Highly acclaimed Blumenhofer Acoustics Genuin FS1 MK2 horn loudspeakers you find in Atrium 4.2, room F224 - of course bundled with Cammino cables and power conditioning. Partner for electronics 2016 is Air Tight from Japan and Pluto Audio for the turntable. Andrea Vitali will be available there for all questions regarding Blumenhofer Acoustics and Cammino.


Trafomatic Audio NOATrafomatic Audio NOA


Atrium 4.2, room E215: Trafomatic Audio's mastermind Sasa Kocic preparing with partners a very special room. A complete new top electronics line up will be sure an eye-catcher of the big show: Trafomatic Audio Noa KT150 based mono blocks, Luna phono stage and Lara preamp (both Lara and Luna come in two boxes design) - Partners in room are Tune Audio horn speakers, Saskia idler-drive turntable, Rockna dac and Hemingway cables


And sure some news are worth to visit of following rooms too:

IsoTekQ Acoustics and QED in Atrium 4.1, rooms E121 + F110

Swiss Vovox cables in Atrium 4.1, room E107

Totem Acoustic speakers in Atrium 4.2, room F206


For inquiries for Chisto audio cosmetics or Symposium Acoustics products (I am responsible for Germany, Austria, Czech, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia - both brands) feel free to contact me live in Munich - will be available all 4 days!


See you there!


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[email protected] (Kircher HiFi Distribution) 2016 Blumenhofer_Acoustics High-End Munich München Trafomatic_Audio audio avid_hifi chisto exhibition fair feickert_analogue hifi isotek messe q_acoustics qed show stereo symposium_acoustics Sat, 30 Apr 2016 16:49:12 GMT
My high-end audio shows 2015 - my resume My new blog post deals with all high-end audio fairs in 2015, at which I participated personally - a resume. What was good, what exhibition stands particularly for what? It should be an interesting, positive, and of course a subjective guide to upcoming fairs in the year 2016.


At the end of a successful trade fair I and Andrea Vitali...myself and Andrea Vitali (Blumenhofer Acoustics, Cammino global sales & marketing)


As there is no clear winner I start simply in chronological order with the first exhibition - the Norddeutsche HiFi-Tage in Hamburg (means North German hifi days), held in February. I took part there with Symposium Acoustics (racks, bases, bearing devices). I exhibited there together with the brands Blumenhofer Acoustics, Cammino, Einstein Audio and TechDas.

What is special about Hamburg? It is the best regional fair in Germany - more than 4000 visitors filling the Holiday Inn hotel. The atmosphere is very familiar, setups are not so high priced as Munich, friendly relaxed Germans mainly from Northern parts. One strong dealer (the hifi studio Bramfeld in Hamburg) made the exhibition within 10 years as the best in the whole of Germany. And complete German press and dealer competitors take part too - Congrats.

More Hamburg photos here


Yuri Zamazeev, CEO of ChistoYuri Zamazeev, CEO of Chisto in front of Accustic Arts, Feickert, Blumenhofer Acoustics, Chisto, Cammino, Symposium Acoustics setup in Prague.


End of March 015 - first time in Prague at Czech Audio Video Show: Accustic Arts electronics, Blumenhofer Acoustics speakers, Chisto Das Klang cables, Feickert record player, Cammino power filter, and as always Symposium Acoustics rack, bases and bearing devices. To be at a fair in Prague is like holidays. Prague is like my Austrian Vienna a fantastic old city with deep cultural background. Czechs are very friendly - they greet entering our fair room and greet again leaving. Even my beloved opera records could play on audience request. We made a first good impression and want to come 2016 for continuity and still better contacts there again. Stay tuned.

All Czech photos here.


and finally met the Trafomatic Audio crew live in MunichThe Trafomatic Audio crew - left Sasa Kocic, right Milorad Despotic


May - the High End 2015 in Munich - biggest global high-end audio fair now. This year had not to assist in a exhibitor room and that was excellent. Munich is not so about great sound and i know many friends always complaining about bad sound in many rooms. Seldom i could listen there to good classical music. Nevertheless, there was to hear very great sound experience in a few rooms too! So what is special about Munich? Easy to describe. As biggest global fair now you can meet many manufacturers, developers, press from all over the world. Main part of visitors of the fair are also in high-end audio business. So i had 3 long days there talking with many, many interesting people from countless brands and met most of my local dealers there too. My resume of Munich: perfect for contacts, networking, meet important people in real life, to stay in touch. Because of high prices for Fair participants you will not meet small German, Austrian distributors exhibiting in Munich - for this purpose many regional shows exists.

Look for all my photo albums and watch the high-end audio guys i met in Munich.


My favourite painting - my colorsPakrac, Croatia Multipack show - my showroom - Accustic Arts, Blumenhofer Acoustics, Chisto Das Klang cables, Symposium Acoustics


Next weekend of May I took part at the famous Multipak show in Pakrac, Croatia. Pakrac is a very small city in south of Zagreb - some would say in nowhere area. :) You still recognize there damaged buildings from former civil war. Robertoshop alias Bozidar Savi is propably the most powerful dealer in whole ex Yugoslavia region and founded this special show. You came mostly from loud Croatian capital Zagreb by car, enter this small city and relax. No noise, no traffic, only one hotel with Austrian bank inside - very comfortable. 3 days whole city only for high-end audio - Robertoshop and many other dealers, distributors exhibit at different places in town. So you could take your friends, family with you... walk in city... visit coffee house.... live music at several places... go for lunch in a restaurant or pizzeria. Almost all well-known brands with high reputation shown there, a magic place for hifi! In comparison to Munich my sound experience with similar equipment in most show rooms was much, mach better in Croatia. Slavic people are deep in music. Bozo told me regardless of price there MUST be emotion in a playback system. Right guy, same blood type!

More Croatian photos here


Four Seasons - Best photo of my complete setupVienna Vinyl & Music Fair - Four Seasons - Accustic Arts, Blumenhofer Acoustics, Cammino, Chisto, Dr. Feickert Analogue, Symposium Acoustics


After the best summer since many years audio season started again in late September - I participated at two Vienna Vinyl & Music Fairs - in Vienna and Graz. Brandnew fair concept in Austria - it is about combining live music, vinyl exchange and classic hifi. Of course analogue playback via outstanding Dr. Feickert Analogue record player and presentation of my Chisto cleaning fluids for analogue records were in focus. Nobody could overlook the classy Blumenhofer Acoustics loudspeakers. Accustic Arts and their sound engineer Milan Saje presented in Vienna their first analogue record - now available in stores. Great place for analogue addicts in Vienna! In Graz the fair was part of big public general fair - so thousands of visitors introduced to high-end audio in an easy way. During the fair in Graz we had the honor to listen to a live concert with Sir Oliver Mally. If you like Blues - you must buy his new record Shapeshifter!! A voice to cry for (take care of your girls), like a young, but fully alive Johnnie Cash - lively, powerful, varied songs. A big campaign to reach more normal people again - a good place where music lovers are looking for good records. We will take part 2016 again.

All photos including live concerts here


Sasa Kocic in front of setup using his amplifierSasa Kocic, mastermind of Trafomatic Audio in front of setup in Ljubljana - Blumenhofer Acoustics, Traumatic Audio, Cammino


Next fair in October following was the HI-FI multimedia SHOW 2015 in Ljubljana, capital of Slovenia. Only two hours from my city in Austria i drove there to visit the fair for one day. Slovenia is a small country with a population of just 2 million - Already more than 20 years there a relatively large Hifi Fair takes place. Slavic people, deep in music and as ex Yugoslavia was not so closed as other countries of Eastern Europe Slovenians were in touch with hifi much longer - like Austrians probably. My brand Accustic Arts was shown, partnered with big Slovenian Gallus Audio speakers. Blumenhofer Acoustics Tempesta 17 speakers made big impression amplified by the sweet Trafomatic Audio Premise amp (2x4 EL84 tubes) - source an old, tuned direct drive Technics record player - all cables Cammino. Nice fair, near, worth a visit.

Slovenian pics here


Piega speaker parade and Accustic Arts reference stuff made the vip openingBratislava, Slovakia - Accustic Arts reference setup, Chisto cables, PS Audio, Symposium Acoustics, Dr. Feickert Analogue, Piega


After 2013 again Bratislava, capital of Slovakia - took part at the Audiovideokino 2015 show - with full Accustic Arts reference electronics setup, complete Chisto Das Klang cables, Symposium Acoustics rack, bases, bearing devices, as analogue source Dr. Feickert Analogue Blackbird, Swiss Piega C60.2 speakers. After warming up great sound. Bratislava is less than one hour in East of Vienna - big great show Slovakians established there. Some big, powerful distributors make this great fair possible - direct in the heart of downtown Bratislava. All rooms are carefully decorated there, noting every detail, many rooms got acoustical treatments. Friday is special vip evening with countless guests, buffet in all rooms, drinks, many girls too and all seem interested in hifi stuff. Not to be overlooked are the many pretty girls, visitors and show hostesses. Girls there are also interested in hifi - you can watch them taking photos of the setups! From Vienna fairs I know many visitors too and have to add that i detected almost no Austrians visiting that great fair so near from Vienna - on the other side the Vienna fair is always visited by many Slovaks. Good mood and great entertainment ruled here.

All Bratislava photos here


Klangbilder 2015 - again at the Austrian high-end audio showKlangbilder 2015 - Vienna! Accustic Arts, Dr. Feickert Analogue, Blumenhofer Acoustics, Cammino, Trafomatic Audio, Symposium Acoustics, Chisto


Vienna Klangbilder 2015 - last show this year in capital of my own country. So take care as i am biased... want always to show best sound here. :) Vienna is an international metropolis - so not comparable with all other places I visited 2015. Probably Vienna is the capital of music too - many say best opera house in the world - I agree. It is the fair there i can play more classical music and opera than at any other place - and visitors do not leave the room. Part of the fair are visits and life concerts of many famous classical musicians too - easy to find in Vienna - anyway also big names in Jazz and Blues music you will meet there. Finally i got there the new analogue record of Sir Oliver Mally "Shapeshifter" - big recommendation for all Blues fans reading my blog - a must have. Accustic Arts participated for the sixth time in Vienna - so now a high-end audio fixum in Austria, Blumenhofer Acoustics speakers had their premiere. Dr. Feickert Analogue Blackbird record player helped me to audition some new Decca classic records. And as always all gear were on Symposium Acoustics racks, bases and bearing devices to show their very best. Second premiere in Vienna - complete cables setup from Italy - from Cammino and of course the Camino Power Harmonizer again doing its sweet job. 2015 Vienna was very successful show - the big conference room near the lobby worked perfect. Lyra boss Stig Bjorge seemed to like my sound too - as i used a Lyra Kleos cartridge mounted on a Reed 3P 12" tonearm

German Fairaudio magazine reported very positive about my room - read here in German

Vienna photos here


​So who is the winner, my favorite? Hamburg for German market. Prague as a beautiful place to visit absolutely. Munich for contacts, networking, meeting high-end audio people from anywhere in the world in real life. Pakrac as big audio, music party with very special flair - difficult to copy. Vienna Vinyl & Music Fair because of analogue records and live music. Vienna Klangbilder for high-end audio and classical music with Vienna charm.


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[email protected] (Kircher HiFi Distribution) Austria Bratislava Ceska Czech Deutschland Germany Hamburg Laibach Ljubljana Munich München Prag Prague Pressburg Slovakia Slovenija Slovensko Vienna Vienna_Vinyl_Music_Fair Wien audiovideokino croatia fair hifi high-end multipak pakrac show slovenia stereo Sun, 20 Dec 2015 20:51:37 GMT
Two times Vienna Vinyl & Music Fair - in Vienna and Graz A new mega event was born in autumn in Vienna - the Vienna Vinyl & Music Fair. Kudos to hyperactive and creative Till Philippi, who is the mastermind of the brand-new exhibition. The show happened at the end of September in Vienna and as a follower the Vienna Vinyl & music Fair went to Graz - it took part at the big public autumn fair in Graz, which is the 2nd biggest city of Austria.


Yuri Zamazeev (Chisto) and Andrea Vitali (Blumenhofer Acoustics)Yuri Zamazeev (Chisto) and Andrea Vitali (Blumenhofer Acoustics)My 2 co-exhibitors with newly acquired records ...
Blumenhofer Acoustics

Yuri Zamazeev (Chisto) and Andrea Vitali (Blumenhofer Acoustics, Cammino)


The clou was to combine a big vinyl fair with live music performed by top Austrian musicians. And to add several hifi exhibitors - as vinyl collectors and fans must be interested in good electronics too. Walter Kircher HiFi exhibited with perfect support of my brands Accustic Arts, Blumenhofer Acoustics, Chisto, Dr. Feickert Analogue, Symposium Acoustics. We were also part of the Sempre Audio HÖRBAR, assisted by editor in chief Michael Holzinger from Austrian online magazine Sempre Audio.


The power of analogue sound - Dr. Feickert AnalogueThe power of analogue sound - Dr. Feickert AnalogueDr. Feickert Analogue Blackbird record player
equipped with Reed 3P 12" tonearm
and Lyra Kleos MC cartridge


We presented two setups with Accustic Arts electronics and Blumenhofer Acoustics speakers powered by Chisto cables, a Cammino power conditioner and she glorious Symposium Acoustics rack. The vinyl star was, no surprise the Dr. Feickert Analogue Blackbird record player. For more detail in the setups visit the two corresponding photo albums. The events are not about extreme high-end audio - the show is just about music... back to the roots.


our next star in Vienna - Milan Saje with Yuri Zamazeevour next star in Vienna - Milan Saje with Yuri ZamazeevFamous Milan Saje is the great sound engineer of the famous Accustic Arts CD series Uncompressed World. He started to work in the 70s in Studio Bauer in Ludwigsburg where he was present at the production of many famous ECM Jazz records. Maybe most famous record from that time was Gary Burton and Oregon.
That was pure analogue time and his long experience producing vinyl records will help Accustic Arts to launch soon on the market analogue records too!

Milan Saje (Accustic Arts sound engineering) and Yuri Zamazeev (Chisto audio cosmetics)


Our star at the Vienna booth was Milan Saje - the Accustic Arts sound engineer of famous Uncompressed World CD series. Soon the first analogue record will be released too. Milan started his career back in the 70s at famous Tonstudio Bauer in Ludwigsburg and has so great experience with analogue records too. Stay tuned.


Yuri Zamazeev, owner and mastermind of ChistoYuri Zamazeev, owner and mastermind of ChistoYuri Zamazeev loves vinyl records and he takes care of every record.

He donated some extra money for the
Aktion Kinderherz (a charity club for kids with hearts problems) and got as a gift this extremely "dirty" record. No problem for the Chisto cleaning fluids - pre-washing with Chisto Extreme and additional standard washing with Chisto EASY GROOVE saved the record not only - the status was thereafter like mint.

Yuri Zamazeev, CEO of Chisto


Next attraction with premieres in Vienna: our professional Vinyl record washing station powered exclusively by Chisto


Chisto introduced in Vienna the new, now completed portfolio of Vinyl care. Dozens of dealers took our dealer baggages. The Chisto Easy Groove spray & wipe solution - for everyone without a washing machine. Not only it is cleaning very strong, has strong antistatic effect - it adds as first on market antibacterial and fungicidal cleaning action! Same goes for the Chisto Easy Groove concentrate which you mix in the ratio 1: 9 with distilled water for your record cleaning machine. Chisto Easy Groove Virgin concentrate is the special solution for brand-new and mint records - probably to safe the new record at your digital hard disc or open-reel tape.


For dirty records and perfectionists two pre-wash solutions were presented first time in Austria, Europe:

The effect was extreme - nomen est omen. Many record collectors were shocked by the results. Both are very strong and give different result - you must try both.


Sir Oliver Mally and Martin Moro live on stage.Sir Oliver Mally and Martin Moro live on stage.Sir Oliver Mally
Martin Moro

Sir Oliver Mally and Martin Moro


Live Music performed by international Blues stars like Sir Oliver Mally - here together with guitarist Martin Moro were the real stars at the fair. HiFi alone is nothing - it is all about real music, live music. Our hifi setup has the job to transport all the power and emotion of live music it to our homes. If done well - it is worth the effort and our investment. Oliver is a big vinyl fan too - his new record is also released as Vinyl record - and owns a fine stereo setup at his home too. I am proud that he personally took one Chisto Easy Groove record cleaner. Sure he will like the results.


>>> complete photo albums from Vienna and Graz

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[email protected] (Kircher HiFi Distribution) Blumenhofer_Acoustics Börse Cammino Chisto Graz Schallplatte Sir_Oliver_Mally Symposium_Acoustics Vienna Wien acoustic_arts analog analogue_record feickert_analogue hifi simplyhifi stereo vinyl Sun, 01 Nov 2015 22:23:28 GMT
STEREO Magazin workshop with Matthias Böde analogue topic - my conclusions Saturday 18th April I took part in Linz at a big analogue event. A STEREO Magazin workshop hold by Matthias Böde in Linz at Sambs Hifi. Matthias Böde is one of the most famous Hifi editors in Germany. For over 20 years, he holds his famous workshops with top dealers and at exhibitions. He has the rare ability to describe differences in sound so that all visitors perceive with ease as well as the differences. Not only technical improvements, and musical differences in the type of representation.


For the complete description of the workshop - we compared turntables, many different pickups, tonearms, tonearmcables - please go to the photo album, which presents you all details like a photo story. I want to bore anyone and repeat all over again. Now I want to concentrate on the conclusions - including further thoughts and tips.


Matthias Böde from STEREO Magazin posing with me in LinzMatthias Böde from STEREO Magazin posing with me in LinzSTEREO Magazin
Sambs HiFi


Clear for everyone is that the primary base of good sound is the turntable itself. Two of "my"  Dr. Feickert Analogue record players proved that with ease in Linz. So first invest here - and still getting the full package in focus. Here the top model Dr. Feickert Analogue Firebird (3 motors!) equipped with two tonearms and two expensive pickups - Benz Micro LP S (EUR 3900,-) and DS-Audio DS-W1 (EUR 8800,- incl. own phonostage).


Fair fight of two great cartidges - both references of German STEREO magazineFair fight of two great cartidges - both references of German STEREO magazineBENZ Micro LP S, recognized as one of the best MC cartridges
DS-Audio DS-W1 optical cartridge, always bundled with its own equalizer (replacing the conventional phonostage). European live premiere in Linz - Thanks to Matthias Boede visiting Linz to do the STEREO workshop and my efforts to get this brandnew and technically unique pickup exclusively for Linz.
Sambs HiFi


Next i go to the pickup. Cartridges are small and like small high-tech tweeters of big loudspeakers in focus of hifi fans. Crystal clear great sound improvements in pickups between 300 Euro and 4,000 Euro happened. Anyway for most listeners the changing overall character of different brands was most obvious. How timbres are - as the music flows. Some pickups had something like digital character I would venture to say me.  A reminiscence of a cd-player in analogue playback? The resolution of modern systems was certainly never as high as up to date - it seems the desired analog sound while sometimes something to fall by the wayside.  So take care, listen to a pickup at an experienced dealer's store. In Linz we compared pickups from Benz, Ortofon and DS Audio. And there are still more famous brands to make you addictive - just to name a few: Miyajima lab, London (former Decca), Ikeda, Jan Allaerts, Miyabi, Lyra...


BENZ Micro LP S Moving-Coil cartridgeBENZ Micro LP S Moving-Coil cartridgeSwiss made moving coil cartridge, top model of Benz
STEREO Magazin reference
Absolute Sound Editors' Choice Awards 2012 and 2015
Sambs HiFi


Next i go to tonearmcables. The VPI turntable showed a clear and big bonus going from an upgrade tonearmcable for 150 euro to 700 Euro. If you have the bucks - a clear buy signal sure. It is surprising, however, that an only 300 Euro expensive pickup pointed this. So signals from the pickups are very low-powered  and therefore very sensitive - so take care of right cables. For top systems I recommend always direct cabling - from pickup to phono-preamp - no additional plug-in connection between! As a positive example -  the used Reed tonearm comes from the factory with complete cabling in one piece.



The tonearm: There are different principles available - one-point ala unipivot, more point, tangential ones. A good tonearm is a fine mechanical work of art and let you make all adjustments of different parameters with ease without affecting others. As the disk drive itself, it has to deal in a positive manner with resonances and problems that occur during movement. There is no 100% perfection - and so always is the highest goal to achieve beautiful musicality, natural timbre, sounds and resolution simultaneously with the right balance. Resolution is nothing if the rest lacks!!


Dr. Feickert Analogue BlackbirdDr. Feickert Analogue BlackbirdThe Dr. Feickert Analogue Blackbird record player was the perfect base for the following tonearm comparison in Linz. Again we compared different titles from STEREO Magazin analogue records - available in Linz.

Sambs HiFi


The phonostage is the last transit station to do it right - take care that it is highly compatible with the pickup of your choice. In one of the next blog entries i will talk about an additional theme - different equalization curves for analogue records of different era or label (DECCA, DG, Living Stereos...) . Stay tuned.


To combine the right brands recognizing their character and to invest in the complete package gives synergy and will satisfy your target - much more fun and emotion listening to your analogue records.


PS:  NEWS - I am very proud to represent in Austria now wellknown Trafomatic Audio tube electronics from Serbia! A real European product with heart and emotion.


>>> complete photo story of workshop

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[email protected] (Kircher HiFi Distribution) Benz_Micro DS-Audio_DS-W1 Dr._Feickert_Analogue Feickert_Analogue Jelco Linz Matthias_Böde_Boede Oberösterreich Pass Peter_Sambs Plattenspieler Reed_3P Sambs_Hifi Stereo_Magazin Tonabnehmer Tonarm VPI analog analogue audio hifi high_end record_player sambs schallplatte stereo Österreich Sat, 02 May 2015 17:30:00 GMT
Audio Video Show Prague 2015 A week before Easter a trip to Prague was on the program - to exhibit at the Audio Video Show Praha 2015, including subsequent holiday in the beautiful capital of the Czech Republic with my family.


My colleagues at the fair were Andrea Vitali, worldwide sales director of Blumenhofer Acoustics loudspeakers and Cammino, further Yuri Zamazeev - CEO of Chisto brand. The brands displayed in alphabetical order: Accustic Arts, Blumenhofer Acoustics, Cammino, Chisto, Dr. Feickert Analogue and Symposium Acoustics.


Walter Kircher first time at high-end fair in PragueWalter Kircher first time at high-end fair in PragueAudio Video Show Praha 2015


Sure you are interested in the complete setup - we had to take care of the smaller room this time:


Andrea Vitali, global sales director for Blumenhofer Acoustics and CamminoAndrea Vitali, global sales director for Blumenhofer Acoustics and CamminoBlumenhofer Acoustics


My Italian friend Andrea Vitali guaranteed as always a great atmosphere - for the reader, it is maybe more interesting that he represents worldwide Blumenhofer Acoustics and Cammino. Andrea tried to demonstrate the natural power of Blumenhofer Acoustics loudspeakers. And he never forgets to mention the beneficial effect of the Cammino Power Harmonizer H3.1 line filter.


In Prague Blumenhofer Acoustics Genuin FS2 speakers were the stars at the show. Read on the new review on their larger siblings Genuin FS1 MK2. I love their power and dynamics, excellent timing, natural timbre (Vintage character) and highest resolution even the most delicate details and nuances.


Yuri Zamazeev, CEO of ChistoYuri Zamazeev, CEO of Chistoan analogue maniac!


Chisto: My good fellow Yuri Zamazeev, owner of Chisto took part in Prague together with me at the fair again. On display were all his Chisto audio cosmetics: cleaning fluids for digital and analogue records - IMHO best on the market, latest technique inside.


And all the wiring was done with Chisto Das Klang Vintage-DNA cables. World premiere in Prague: Chisto Das Klang Richter limited special edition cables dedicated to genius Sviatoslav Richter - usb, coaxial digital and rca cables:


  • Vintage-DNA inside, aged for 50 years
  • KLEI Silver Harmony plugs and usb plugs with propietary Chisto African Ebony wood shells (100% non-magnetic)
  • Harmocrystal Tech for perfect vibration control
  • the absolute reference, beats every usb-cable we know!
  • highest resoltion paired with authentic analogue sound character
  • unbelievable power and authority


Stay tuned for more info here!


Prague: Charles Bridge and Prague CastlePrague: Charles Bridge and Prague Castle


So is Prague worth a visit for HiFi? Yes Daniel Brezina, editor in chief of Czech Hi-Fi Voice online magazine made a super job organizing the Czech Audio Video Ahow Praha 2015 - I want to come again. And of course Prague is worth a visit 365 days a year!


>>> complete photo albums from Prague

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[email protected] (Kircher HiFi Distribution) accustic_arts analog analogue audio blumenhofer_acoustics cammino chisto fair feickert_analogue hifi high_end prag praha show stereo symposium_acoustics vinyl Sun, 12 Apr 2015 17:46:50 GMT
Norddeutsche HiFi-Tage 2015 in Hamburg Norddeutsche HiFi Tage 2015 in Hamburg - Walter Kircher HiFi visited first time the biggest regional German fair. Since 10 years the Hifi Studio Bramfeld is running the fair with great success. 4000 visitors and a crowded Holiday Inn hotel in Hamburg speak for themselves. Symposium Acoustics racks, bases and Rollerblocks footers were the reason for my trip to Hamburg.


Group photo with fair organizers and my two co-exhibitors in room - from left:


Wolfgang Borchert (owner of Hifi Studio Bramfeld), Volker Bohlmeier (owner of Einstein Audio), Andrea Vitali (Blumenhofer Acoustics and Cammino) and Ivonne Borchert-Lima (Hifi Studio Bramfeld and personal organizer of the complete fair)


group photo with exhibition team - from left:group photo with exhibition team - from left:Wolfgang Borchert, owner of hifi studio Bramfeld which organizes the fair
Volker Bohlmeier, Einstein Audio
Andrea Vitali, Blumenhofer Acoustics and Cammino
Ivonne Borchert-Lima, hifi-studio Bramfeld and perfect organizer of complete fair


Something new - produced a short video clip about the structure of our setups. Walter Kircher HiFi Youtube account also created.


our setup:




Playback at the show was only analogue from TechDAS Air Force Two turntable. Perfectly positioned at the Symposium Acoustics rack and additional Ultra platforms - how shall I describe the sound? Wow, wow! Big Authority, human timbre, open, the right sense of timing - analogue sounds still rules. Many visitors were surprised by the mid-class Blumenhofer Acoustics Tempesta 20 speakers - 92.5dB sensitivity, a horn midrange-tweeter - old school sound perfected by modern means.


Volker Bohlmeier and Andrea Vitali were the right partners to get great sound live at a fair as a team. In reality they both know how to make a worldclass setup, engaging and highly musical - i just added the fantastic Symposium Acoustics rack and other tools of same brand - yes sound quality sure grows dramatically in the correct direction - and and the musicality stayed including increased power and body. Fantastic speakers, sure top amplifier, worldclass turntable - for many best setup in Hamburg.


At the end of a successful trade fair I and Andrea Vitali...At the end of a successful trade fair I and Andrea Vitali...


Accustic Arts also took part in the fair - with German Audio Physic loudspeakers - a good combination i had two times in Vienna 4 or 5 years ago on show too. The new Accustic Arts PLAYER II reference cd-player, partnered with Accustic Arts Tube Preamp II MK2 and MONO II drove new Audio Physic Cardeas plus+ speakers with great result.


And I met again Matthias Boede from German STEREO magazine demonstrating in one of his well-known workshops the importance of additional footers and their benefit in resulting sound quality. As i represent since many years Symposium Acoustics i am very aware of that of course. Fighting microphonic and good coupling rules.


Attention: on April 18 Matthias Boede is special guest in Linz, Austria at Sambs Hifi shop.


Matthias Boede - a big fan of German Accustic Arts electronics!Matthias Boede - a big fan of German Accustic Arts electronics!No wonder - the complete Accustic Arts reference electronics line got reference status in German STEREO magazine - always 100%


Dr. Feickert Analogue Firebird - the biggest turntable in portfolio, able to handle two 12 inch tonearms - was shown in full setup including three Feickert world premieres:


The Clean battery power supply, the new upcoming Dr. Feickert Analogue WREN phonostage (will be available from the High-End in Munich ) and the new SILENT base.


Chris Feickert revealed exclusively in Hamburg for the first time his soon to be released phonostage (see marking as prototype on photo) - the specs so far:

  • 3 inputs
  • gain normal or high
  • RIAA, NAB, EMI, ffrr/Decca and Columbia equalization curves
  • output stereo and mono; left or right


Dr. Feickert Analogue new battery power supply Clean (open) and new WREN phonostageDr. Feickert Analogue new battery power supply Clean (open) and new WREN phonostageChris Feickert revealed exclusively in Hamburg for the first time his new upcoming WREN phonostage (see marking as prototype, available from the high-end in Munich)
the great specs:

third world first: brandnew
Dr. Feickert Analogue SILENT base under Firebirf turntable



Visit Walter Kircher HiFi at the next high-end show in Prague - 27 + 28 March!


>>> complete photo albums from Hamburg

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>>> Walter Kircher HiFi on Youtube

[email protected] (Kircher HiFi Distribution) Base Blumenhofer_Acoustics Cammino Clear Einstein_Audio Feickert_Analogue Firebird Hifi Matthias_Böde Plattenspieler Plattformen Rollerblock Stereo_workshop Symposium_Acoustics Tempesta_20 Ultra WREN analog analogue audio bearing_device fair high-end messe rack stand stereo turntable Sat, 21 Feb 2015 08:03:18 GMT
Blumenhofer Acoustics, Accustic Arts, Dr. Feickert Analogue - Sambs HiFi event in Linz Arrived safely in the new year 2015, we started here last weekend in Linz at Sambs Hifi with a big event. The Cast: Accustic Arts, Blumenhofer Acoustics, Dr. Feickert Analogue, Symposium Acoustics, Cammino and Chisto.


Accustic Arts PLAYER II, the new CD-player of their reference line and Dr. Feickert Analogue Blackbird analogue turntable played alternately great music - from Pink Floyd, classical music to Ludwig Hirsch, an Austrian songwriter. The Accustic Arts POWER I MK3 integrated amplifier (2x130W 8Ohm) drove with ease the brilliant Blumenhofer Acoustics Genuin FS2 speakers (94dB/8Ohm).


The Big Setup in Sambs Hifi shop - A nice visitor took a picture of me.The Big Setup in Sambs Hifi shop - A nice visitor took a picture of me.www.​sambshifi.​at


My special setup made for Sambs Hifi dealer event:


The special setup made by myself for Sambs Hifi dealer event:The special setup made by myself for Sambs Hifi dealer event:



The Blumenhofer Acoustics Genuin FS2 loudspeakers inspired the visitors with their enormous vitality, human natural timbre, compact presentation, not even missing the most delicate details. And if we wanted we let it rock.


Big surprise for some were the delicate, brilliant Chisto Das Klang cables - with Vintage DNA inside, highest resolution, natural human timbre and highly limited edition. In comparison to a famous Japanes luxury brand Chisto cables showed their Über status.


The Accustic Arts PLAYER II grabbed all the visitors with its exciting way to play the music - in direct mode, upsampling off. Surely he belongs to some, a few CD players in the CD player Olympus. You get the player with many add-ons like dac section  including top-class asynchronous usb input, tube-hybrid output, Philips drive inside and optional volume control.


Dr. Feickert Analogue Blackbird turntable equipped with outstanding Reed 3P tonearm assisting a Lyra Kleos MC cartridge, partnered by a Pass XP-15 phonostage proved to us in Linz that analogue still rules. The musical experience with the Blackbird turntable standing at the brilliant Symposium Acoustics rack was like a great live concert. Great songwriters as Yves Montand or Austrian Ludwig Hirsch visited us.


Michael Holzinger, chief editor of Austrian Sempre Audio web magazine visited Linz.Michael Holzinger, chief editor of Austrian Sempre Audio web magazine visited Linz.www.​sempre-​audio.​at


A surprise guest honored us Michael Holzinger from Vienna, chief editor of Austrian based Sempre Audio web magazine. He was very happy to listen to Austrian songwriter Ludwig Hirsch from analogue record. As anecdote I can always tell that my dear mother with Ludwig Hirsch already played in the sandbox.


So Peter Sambs, CEO of the great hifi shop in Linz downtown was happy about the great response of the weekend. Worth the effort - will do it again.


Peter Sambs in his shopPeter Sambs in his shopwww.​sambshifi.​at


>>> Here the link to the big photo album of the event

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[email protected] (Kircher HiFi Distribution) Blackbird Cammino Das_Klang Feickert_Analogue Genuin_FS2 Mini PLAYER_ES PLAYER_II Pass_XP-15 Pwer_1_mk3 Reed_3P Rollerblocks Tempesta accustic_arts analog analogue audio chisto hifi high_end rack stereo symposium_acoustics ultra_platform Sat, 17 Jan 2015 22:07:20 GMT
Vienna Klangbilder 2014 high-end show report Back from Vienna Klangbilder I already posted four complete photo albums to share my impressions and to show the spirit of our big setup there. In 2014, the Austrian fair took place at the new location, Arcotel Kaiserwasser at the Danube, right across the Vienna International center, also known as UNO city. You reach the new hotel directly with the subway line U1 or take it to reach Vienna downtown.


Here I am standing in front of our big setup - complete Accustic Arts reference electronics, impressive SoulSonic Impulse SE dipole loudspeakers, Dr. Feickert Analogue Blackbird + Reed 3P + Lyra Kleos, Cammino Power Harmonizer, bases + racks + Rollerblocks from Symposium Acoustics, cables from Accustic Arts, Chisto and Vovox. All brands put together by myself but I have had great assistance by Miro Krajnc (mastermind of SoulSonic speakers) and Yuri Zamazeev (CEO of Chisto).


Myself: Thanks to Yuri Zamazeev (CHISTO) for taking that photoMyself: Thanks to Yuri Zamazeev (CHISTO) for taking that photowww.​chisto.​me


A big WOW for many were the SoulSonic Impulse SE flagship speakers, open-baffle dipole, two-way speakers with a tall ribbon and four 30cm bass drivers. After taking part at the CES in Las Vegas, Vienna was now the official European premiere for these extreme, highly musical speakers. Miro Krajnc tells me every time that no other  amp controls his speakers with such unlimited authority and at the same time paired with warmth, body, transparency and smoothness - as good as the Accustic Arts Mono II amps. And I always reply: "Miro, do not forget the fabulous Accustic Arts Tube DAC II MK2, as the source always dominates the whole setup". Okay, in Vienna we had three excellent sources, the musical impact only depending on the software: USB-Audio via asynchronous USB input of the Tube DAC, CDs played with the Accustic Arts DRIVE II and analogue records.


From my personal experience I feel that the outstanding, perhaps even the absolutely best rack, Symposium Acoustics ISIS (Independent Shelf Isolation System), accompanied by the exclusive Rollerblocks Serie 2+ with G2.5 balls or the Symposium Acoustics Ultra platforms assisting the Accustic Arts MONO II, is responsible too, for the world-class sound, this year in Vienna.


Additionally, the Italian Cammino Power Harmonizers H3.1 did a fantastic job of cleaning the power of all gear, in a healthy, natural way. The Cammino is a passive device performing some real magic with the electricity and it is doing its job undetectable, without any ill side effects.


So dear visitors of our room, please notice: it was not solely the world-class SoulSonic speakers, nor the analogue power of Dr. Feickert Analogue assisted by Reed and Lyra, nor the authoritative Accustic Arts MONO II amps, or the Chisto Vintage DNA cables, Vovox Textura or Accustic Arts power cords respectively  – but all of them working together, cleverly  set-up by people with deep understanding of music – all that was responsible for the big sound at the fair. It all depends on the sum of all components!


complete Accustic Arts / SoulSonic Impulse SE speakers setupcomplete Accustic Arts / SoulSonic Impulse SE speakers setupwww.​accusticarts.​de


Thanks to Michael Holzinger, editor in chief of Sempre Audio as well as Hans Theessink who personally presented his new audiophile remastered vinyl record of the legendary album "Baby wants to Boogie" in our suite – a big honor for us! Hans is living in Vienna and shares the same passion for high-end audio as well. Our setup showed up with ease that the new version betters the original one - not always the case in the presence of many new releases. I got my sample of the new album personally signed by Hans Theessink as did many other visitors.


As a second special guest we have had the privilege to host the  classical Pianist Ulrike Fendel presenting her CD "Piano Preludes of 20th and 21th century". An interesting discussion about the future of marketing and sales of the classical music in modern times also took part in our room with Richard Winter (CEO of Gramola record label) and Viennese composer Meinhard Ruedenauer. Please take a look at the VIP Event photo album for the complete photo album.


Hans Theessink with Michael Holzinger (owner of Sempre Audio magazine)Hans Theessink with Michael Holzinger (owner of Sempre Audio magazine)www.​theessink.​com


Not surprisingly, the new star of the setup was the Dr. Feickert Analogue Blackbird turntable and I am personally very happy to assist the famous German brand regarding the sales in Austria. The fabulous, elegant Reed 3P tonearm with a very sweet Lyra Kleos MC cartridge completed the analogue setup in Vienna. The specific Double-Isolated XT Top of the outstanding Symposium Acoustics ISIS rack (Independent Shelf Isolation System) worked as the optimal base for analogue playback. That's the sound of my childhood. I grew up with great analogue sound which eventually led me to hifi.


It was very fitting that Yuri Zamazeev (CEO of Chisto) personally presented his various cleaning fluids intended for analog records. Chisto means clean in English. As a premiere we showed the Chisto Easy Groove Virgin Concentrate which is specifically recommended for the use with brand new records. It completes the cleaning fluid offerings for different purposes like the  Chisto Easy Groove for standard use and Enzycaster for very dirty records.


Dr. Feickert Analogue Blackbird turntable with Reed 3P tonearm and Lyra Kleos MC cartridgeDr. Feickert Analogue Blackbird turntable with Reed 3P tonearm and Lyra Kleos MC cartridgewww.​feickert.​de


>>> Please take a look at each specific photo album here - 101 photos of Vienna Klangbilder 2014


[email protected] (Kircher HiFi Distribution) Accustic_Arts Austria Cammino Chisto Feickert_Analogue JMC Lyra_KLeos Messe Plattenspieler Reed SoulSonic Symposium_Acoustics Tonabnehmer Tonarm Totem_Acoustic Vienna Vovox Wien YBA analog audio cartridge fair hifi high_end show stereo streaming tonearm turntable usb_cable_Kabel Österreich Sat, 22 Nov 2014 11:07:30 GMT
SoulSonic Impulse SE speakers - next private setup The summer passed and before the HiFi season starts again I listened to another setup with the big SoulSonic Impulse SE statement speakers, located in the beautiful old town of Piran, Slovenia.


Piran is a lovely old town located directly at the Adriatic sea, with long history and with many buildings in the Venetian style. It is the birthplace of Baroque composer and violinist Giuseppe Tartini who played an important role in shaping its cultural heritage. So first photo here is an impression of the sweet city to show its atmosphere of this beautiful town.


impressions in Piran before sunsetimpressions in Piran before sunset


Following the invitation of the proud owner of another pair of the SoulSonic Impulse SE speakers, I went to visit him, in the evening. He is a lucky guy as he has a very spacious living room where his complete setup is integrated. I stayed the whole evening for a fantastic listening session - first started with some compact discs I brought - the Reimyo CDP-777 CD-player made a good job - I was already impressed.


So far the most credible, lifelike soundstage let me listen every song with ease. Bass response was so complete, straight, like a thunderstorm - lifelike. Sure a cooperation of extraordinary room accoustics, the full active setup with two big Accustic Arts AMP II power amplifiers supervised by an exclusive PASS XVR-1 electronic crossover and an owner with deep understanding of music and experienced in audio setups.


my main target - the private SoulSonic Impulse SE setup in Piran regionmy main target - the private SoulSonic Impulse SE setup in Piran region


Anyway that was only warming up so far... My friendly host put the first analogue record on his special turntable / tonearm built by Bruno Puhar. It happened like a click in the head and then we listened to the music, music ... record after record... no hifi anymore... like different life concerts in some specific concert halls of different sizes - yes concert hall, no puppet theater or living room, no hifi!


We listened with a very special cartridge - an old Panasonic EPC-450C-II Strain Gauge system. Read here at Soundsmith website more about Strain Gauge cartridges - why they are different from MM, MC or Moving Iron. The required phono preamp was an ESELab Nibiru SG, ESELab is a local Slovenian brand. Next I have to mention the main analogue preamp from the same brand - the ESELab ANU NG. Boris Privsek supplied the cables - a Slovenian brand again. Aha ... and I forgot to add the Cyclone subwoofer added on left side of SoulSonic Impulse SE speaker, responsible for the lowest infrasonic frequencies.


SoulSonic Impulse SE setup - driven by two Accustic Arts AMP II amplifiers, sources: Reimyo CDP 777 cd player and Bruno Puhar turntable/tonearm with Panasonic EPC-450C-II Strain Gauge cartridge.SoulSonic Impulse SE setup - driven by two Accustic Arts AMP II amplifiers, sources: Reimyo CDP 777 cd player and Bruno Puhar turntable/tonearm with Panasonic EPC-450C-II Strain Gauge cartridge.


So, I shall mention no further superlatives here because I have something better for you - real life experience:


Just visit us in November at the Austrian high-end show KLANGBILER 2014 in Vienna! We will show the complete setup of SoulSonic Impulse SE speakers driven by the ACCUSTIC ARTS reference electronics. As an analogue source the Dr. Feickert Analogue turntable will be on display too.


>>> Please visit the complete photo album here with further comments of my trip to Piran!


[email protected] (Kircher HiFi Distribution) Accustic_Arts_AMP_II Austria Magnetostaten Pass_Labs_XVR-1 Piran Reimyo Slovenia Slovenija Slowenien SoulSonic_speakers Strain_Gauge_cartridge audio dipole hifi high_end magnetostatic open_baffle planar_speaker ribbon stereo Österreich Sat, 11 Oct 2014 17:58:38 GMT
Blumenhofer Acoustics - my first visit of German loudspeaker manufacturer This week I visited Blumenhofer Acoustics headquarters based in a Bavarian natural park near Munich. Andrea Vitali, responsible for sales since 2008, was waiting for me already to be my guide during the visit.


In the production hall Andrea introduced me to the founder and mastermind Thomas Blumenhofer working with his new 3D CAD controlled milling machine, which speeds up now the production process of the different speaker enclosures. Very impressive!


Blumenhofer Acoustics showroom: from left to right Andrea Vitali (Blumenhofer Acoustics) and Walter KircherBlumenhofer Acoustics showroom: from left to right Andrea Vitali (Blumenhofer Acoustics) and Walter Kircher


Besides big Clara Luna speaker all Blumenhofer Acoustics models are optimized 2-way speakers. The preference of 2-way speakers resulted from the over 30 years of experience in loudspeaker design by Tom Blumenhofer.


First listened to Tempesta 17 and Fun 17 speakers - both floorstanding speakers with 17cm bass driver. Tempesta 17 uses a down-fire vented bass reflex tunnel combined with a 1" horn-loaded compression driver transmitting the higher frequencies. Vice versa Fun 17 uses a classical 19mm silk dome tweeter combined with a horn-loaded 17cm driver. Two good choices for different preferences.


Blumenhofer Acoustics showroom: setup view - Fun 17 and smaller Tempesta 17 speakersBlumenhofer Acoustics showroom: setup view - Fun 17 and smaller Tempesta 17 speakers


Followed by bigger Blumenhofer Acoustics Genuin FS 2 model with authoritative 30cm old school driver assisted by 1,4" horn-loaded compression driver. If you had already life experience with big and high-sensitivity drivers you know that specific "be here" feeling regarding music reproduction. Only large speakers provide this realism - physics rules. 94dB sensitivity make the speakers an easy load for Blumenhofers custom-made 2A3 mono amplifiers. Anyway most speakers offer an impedance linearization too.


As smaller Fun and Tempestas models too the Genuin FS 2 reproduces music retaining perfect timing again - enabling them  to show the impact and tension of my favourite opera music. Their natural timbre and tonality, speed and power made Leonard Cohen's Live in London album a fantastic dejavu of a real life concert.


Blumenhofer Acoustics showroom: Wiki - 2-way flagship horn loudspeaker with 103dB sensitivityBlumenhofer Acoustics showroom: Wiki - 2-way flagship horn loudspeaker with 103dB sensitivity


As highlight of my first visit we listened to Wiki - statement model of Goia flagship speaker series. If you have the place to stand them you get an ultimate 2-way horn speaker. The Bass is front- and back-loaded and enables fantastic 103 dB sensitvity. Wiki is delivered and installed worldwide by Blumenhofer - providing perfect customer service to ensure drivers are 100% aligned to your personal listening distance. After warming up you recognize immediately the extraordinary status of Wiki.


Sure you guessed it - i decided to assist sales of Blumenhofer Acoustics speaker in Austria. Stay tuned for upcoming dealers.


>>> Please visit the complete photo album here with further comments under the photos!


[email protected] (Kircher HiFi Distribution) Andrea_Vitali Austria Blumenhofer_Acoustics Deutschland FS2 Fun Genuin Germany Gran_Gioa Hifi Lautsprecher Stereo Tempesta Vintage Wiki loudspeaker Österreich Sun, 14 Sep 2014 14:45:26 GMT
Venice, Italy trip - met Mark Levinson (Daniel Hertz SA) July 2014, summer, Italy, Venice - Mark Levinson invited me and so i visited the wonderful Venice with my family.


Mark Levinson is probably the most famous personality in high-end audio. Or better said he invented high-end hifi 1972 in the US with his first famous preamp Mark Levinson LNP-2. In 1984 Marks next famous big brand Cello was formed - sure many remember the Cello Audio Palette, a state of the art preamp including a clever working Equalizer. Mark Levinson Audio Systems is still alive, now owned by Harman International. Even in Lexus automobiles now you can find Mark Levinson audio electronics.


Mark Levinson, CEO and owner of Daniel Hertz SA - former Red Rose, Cello and Mark Levinson (today owned by Harman)Mark Levinson, CEO and owner of Daniel Hertz SA - former Red Rose, Cello and Mark Levinson (today owned by Harman)www.​danielhertz.​com


In my opinion only a person should develop audio electronics, speakers who is deeply in music and is aware of how music enchants us with excitement and emotion. Mark Levinson gives us here the best example: As a jazz musician, he played with many top stars such as Sonny Rollins, Keith Jarrett, Chick Corea or Stan Getz and as a sound engineer he made many jazz and classic recordings with the highest standard.


And now to the present: 2007 Daniel Hert SA founded as exclusive brand in Switzerland - Marks last brand in order to achieve the limits of the possible. His M1 flagship loudspeakers tells us that the old virtues high sensitivity and full-range frequency response still rules. Listening to the complete top Daniel Hertz system tells an impressive story what matters in music: power, dynamics, original timbre, the tension of the music, no limits by compression.


Daniel Hertz M1 3-way flagship speakers - 100dB with only 1 Watt - 18" woofer, 12" midrange - driven by 4 DH M5 TELIKOS mono ampsDaniel Hertz M1 3-way flagship speakers - 100dB with only 1 Watt - 18" woofer, 12" midrange - driven by 4 DH M5 TELIKOS mono ampswww.​danielhertz.​com


Mark did an impressive demonstration of his Master Class audio player software . Anyway its main purpose is to correct tonal deficits of recordings. We high end audio folks are afraid of Equalizing because of possible sound leakages. That is not the case with Master Class - no losses and it is very easy to use like Marks EQ in Cellos Audio Palette preamp. Mark choosed especially for me some opera songs and Maria Callas sounded as if she had risen again. Her unique timbre did not change by the correction. As surprise Mark told me to try to do the correction myself. I did and achieved a similar result - so realy easy to use. The second feature of Master Class is the so-called A+ mode - it recreates a more analogue sound of your pcm files. You can create a new file including A+ and possible EQ and play it wherever you want. Please read Matej Isak's in-depth review.


group photo - from left to right: Yuri Zamazeev with his wife Anna, Mark Levinson, my wife Dzhamilya with Alexander, myself and Bjoern Gabriel (Daniel Hertz SA)group photo - from left to right: Yuri Zamazeev with his wife Anna, Mark Levinson, my wife Dzhamilya with Alexander, myself and Bjoern Gabriel (Daniel Hertz SA)www.​danielhertz.​com


Group photo in Venice Italy - from left to right: Yuri Zamazeev (Chisto) with his wife Anna, Mark Levinson (Daniel Hertz SA), my wife Dzhamilya with our little Alexander, Bjoern Gabriel and myself.


Mark it was a great pleasure and honor to meet you!


And here the complete photo album.

[email protected] (Kircher HiFi Distribution) Chisto Daniel_Hertz Hifi Italien Italy M1 Mark_Levinson Stereo Venedig Venice Yuri_Zamazeev Sun, 24 Aug 2014 21:29:53 GMT
HIGH END MUNICH 2014 - Accustic Arts, Totem Acoustic teaser 15. - 18-05.2014 Munich - Accustic Arts electronics - Totem Acoustic loudspeakers

The HIGH END 2014 in Munich is soon opened and all exhibitors have to hurry up. So I catch some seconds and will tell you where you can find myself and what is shown, is on display.


>>> the location: MOC, Atrium 4, 2nd floor, room F206


As I had the pleasure to show the two brands already together at some regional fairs and events I am proud to present the cooperation of German electronics manufacturer ACCUSTIC ARTS and Swiss High High-End Company AG, distributor of Canadian Totem Acoustic speakers at the international fair.

High End 2014 München MunichAccustic Arts Player II

Experience the following new ACCUSTIC ARTS products:

PLAYER II - new integrated compact disc player of the Reference Series incl. DAC and preamp function

PLAYER ES MK2 - optimized PLAYER ES incl. USB async. technology

AMP BASES - new bases for MONO II and AMP II/III


TOTEM CEO Vince Bruzzese from Canada personally demonstrate first time in Europe his new TOTEM KIN MINI Subwoofer system

Munich high End Show 2014Totem Acoustic Element loudspeakers: Metal, Earth, Fire and Ember

The big setup of the show will connect the complete ACCUSTIC ARTS reference electronics including MONO II and the best TOTEM Acoustic speakers - Element Metal floorstanders and Element Fire monitors.


As a highlight Matthias Böde from German STEREO Magazin will make an exclusive workshop in our room - Saturday 17.05 at 11.00am! He will demonstrate different digital cables using our big reference setup.


Stay tuned for more news from Munich and it will be a pleasure to meet some of my readers there.

[email protected] (Kircher HiFi Distribution) Accustic_Arts Arro Deutschland Element_Fire Element_Metal Germany High-End-2014 Munich München Player_ES_MK2 Player_II Slovenija Slovensko Totem_Acoustic Totem_Kin Österreich Fri, 09 May 2014 19:41:36 GMT
SoulSonic Impulse speakers, Accustic Arts - spectacular private setup New blog entry: I had the pleasure to be allowed to take photos of a spectacular private setup in Europe.


The prominent part of the luxury living room provides the necessary space for one of the best setups I ever had the chance to listen.


private owner setup: SoulSonic Impulse SE flagship speakers with complete Accustic Arts reference electronicsprivate owner setup: SoulSonic Impulse SE flagship speakers with complete Accustic Arts reference electronics


SoulSonic Impulse SE flagship speakers were powered by Accustic Arts reference electronics including the new MONO II amps. As this is multi purpose setup, the television is integrated and its owner use it as an audio control screen for the JRiver Mediacenter streaming player. A dedicated audio computer is hidden in the cellar below, and does not interfere regarding the noise domain. Swiss Vovox Textura Fortis cables were used as both speaker and audio interconnects.


private owner setup: SoulSonic Impulse SE flagship speakers with complete Accustic Arts reference electronicsprivate owner setup: SoulSonic Impulse SE flagship speakers with complete Accustic Arts reference electronics


During a listening session an acoustic curtain was used to damp the first reflexions behind the SoulSonic Impulse SE speakers; as you can see on the last photo of the additional album. The dipole speakers with line source arrangement are easy arranged to the right places.


New add-on: Blog entry now published on the MONO & STEREO magazine too!


And here the link to the complete photo album of the sweet setup.

[email protected] (Kircher HiFi Distribution) Accustic_Arts Audio Austria Deutschland Germany Kabel MONO_II Slovenija Slovensko SoulSonic SoulSonic_Impulse_SE-speakers Tube_DAC_II_MK2 Tube_Preamp_II_MK2 Vovox Vovox_Textura_Fortis_cable dipole hifi high_end line_source open_baffle stereo Österreich Česko Sat, 12 Apr 2014 19:22:06 GMT
Hanzelaudio visit in Komarno, Slovakia (2014.03.21) Last weekend I visited the Accustic Arts dealer Milan Hanzel in his newly renovated shop in Komarno, Slovakia. The city of Komarno is situated at the Danube river, directly alongside the Hungarian boarder - The distance is less than one hour from Budapest or nearly 100 minutes from Vienna, Austria. Komarom is situated in the Hungarian side of now divided city.


Perfect conditions accompanied my trip: sunny blue sky, warm temperatures and the Mediterranean flair!


Hanzelaudio, Komarno: Milan Hanzel, ownerHanzelaudio, Komarno: Milan Hanzel, ownerwww.​hanzelaudio.​sk


In my luggage I carried the Totem Element Metal speakers, Vovox Textura Fortis cables and my favourite tools of Symposium Acoustics (Ultra platforms and Rollerblocks Serie 2+ with G3 superballs in double-stack). As the complete Accustic arts reference electronics is on display there and was tuned already - we had perfect conditions to demonstrate and listen to the Canadian Totem Element Metal speakers.


The listening session started in the evening - before that we went sightseeing in the old city, enjoying the fantastic atmosphere outside. Please look here for additional photos of Komarno downtown. And I start simultaneously with the statement that the Canadian speaker gave an excellent impression.


Hanzelaudio, Komarno: fuel Accustic arts reference setup with Totem Element Metal speakersHanzelaudio, Komarno: fuel Accustic arts reference setup with Totem Element Metal speakerswww.​hanzelaudio.​sk


A wide panorama of music was played - rock, jazz and classics. As a highlight we enjoyed some direct masters of regioanl Jazz concerts - the direct way of Totem and Accustic Arts let you immerse deep in the music with high impact, power and tension. The natural and bright timbre let you forget about the hardware playing. Tonal balance remains on the right emotional side.


Hanzelaudio, Komarno: Accustic Arts AMP II power amplifier (55 kg)Hanzelaudio, Komarno: Accustic Arts AMP II power amplifier (55 kg)www.​hanzelaudio.​sk


And lastly I took some interesting photo which made my day there! AMP II - MK 2: 55 solid kg German craftmanship made by Accustic Arts placed with Symposium Rollerblocks Serie 2+ at Ultra platform!


Look here for the complete photo album of the visit!

[email protected] (Kircher HiFi Distribution) Accustic_Arts Audio Bob_Carver Cineversum Diapason Elipson Franck_Tchang Hanzel Hifi Komarno Komorn Komárom Marten Milan_Hanzel_Audio Nordost Opera Pathos Rollerblocks_Serie2+_G3_Superballs Slovakia Slovensko Slowakei Symposium_Acoustics Szlovákia Totem_Acoustic Ultra_platform Unison_Research Vovox high_end stereo Fri, 28 Mar 2014 19:47:55 GMT
MONOSTEREO event in Slovenia - with Accustic Arts, SoulSonic, Symposium and Vovox Last Saturday my second exclusive MONO & STEREO event took place at the new SoulSonic showroom in Slovenia. Special guest was of course Matej Isak as chief editor of Mono & Stereo high-end audio magazine and the host was Miro Krajnc - the mastermind of SoulSonic speakers. Another special guest was Milan Zohar who produces the exquisite MZ Air Sound tangential tonearms.


During the event two fantastic news were officially announced:


  • start of the cooperation with SoulSonic speakers regarding international sales, marketing and branding
  • In addition I now represent Swiss Vovox cables in Austria


from left to right: Miro Krajnc - SoulSonic, myself and Matej Isak - MONOSTEREOfrom left to right: Miro Krajnc - SoulSonic, myself and Matej Isak - MONOSTEREO


SoulSonic speakers already took part at the CES 2011 / THE S.H.O.W. in Las Vegas and were considered one of the best sounds at the show. Now we will start from the ground here in Europe to establish a good dealer network to show you the musical and emotional qualities of SoulSonic speakers.


Technically, these speakers are using the dipole principle (open-baffle) combined with the line-source ribbon arrangement. This approach gives a more directional sound in the forward plane, minimzing the side wall, floor and ceiling reflections which helps to make the room boundaries disappearing in different acoustical environments. These 2-way speakers combine Ribbons for the high frequencies (500 Hz and above) and fast 30cm cone drivers for the bass to give sweet sound and precise fundament for the maximum sonic realism of your music collection.


The soundstage, the timbre, the power is so lifelike - i do not want to describe it here further. Not possible. If you never heard similar speakers you must try personally - If you love music you will be shocked! The experience is so natural, authentic, untechnically - it's hard to overhear it. Please excuse me if I sound mysterious :). This is not HiFi, these speakers seemingly have no dynamic limit. Lovers of Classical music will get goose bumps because of the perfectly reproduced arc of tension.


For VIP guests from overseas we can provide special appointments.


Miro Krajnc - SoulSonic Speakers with whole setup: Accustic Arts reference electronics, SoulSonic Impulse SE flagship speakers, Symposium Acoustics platforms, Vovox cablesMiro Krajnc - SoulSonic Speakers with whole setup: Accustic Arts reference electronics, SoulSonic Impulse SE flagship speakers, Symposium Acoustics platforms, Vovox cables


The current SoulSonic range starts with the Impact SE model (retail from EUR 26990,-), continues with the Immediacy SE speakers (retail from EUR 39990,-) and the flagship Impulse SE speakers (retail from EUR 74990,-). The smaller upcoming Beat SE model will be announced soon (price less than EUR 20000,-).


Symposium Acoustics Ultra platforms with Rollerblocks Serie 2+ and G3 superballs - Accustic Arts TUBE DAC II and TUBE PREAMP IISymposium Acoustics Ultra platforms with Rollerblocks Serie 2+ and G3 superballs - Accustic Arts TUBE DAC II and TUBE PREAMP II


The highlight of the event for all guests was naturally the SoulSonic Impulse SE speakers, combined with the Accustic Arts state-of-the-art reference electronics including new MONO II power amplifiers. Swiss Vovox cables were responsible for the excellent connection of all components. Symposium Acoustics Ultra platforms with Rollerblocks Serie 2+ including G3 Superballs (in "double-stack" configuration) ensured the best possible conditions for the preamp and DAC.


VOVOX textura power, textura fortis IC balanced and textura fortis IC direct audio cablesVOVOX textura power, textura fortis IC balanced and textura fortis IC direct audio cables


Here you find the complete photo album of the event!

[email protected] (Kircher HiFi Distribution) Accustic_Arts Audio Austria Hifi High_End Impulse_SE MZ_Air_sound_tangential_tonearm Matej_Isak Milan_Zohar Miro_Kranjc Rollerblocks_Serie2+_G3_Superballs Slovenia Slovenija SoulSonic Soulsonic Stereo Symposium_Acoustics Textura_Fortis Ultra_platform Vovox Vovox_Cables_Kabel dipole open_baffle_speaker turntable Österreich Mon, 10 Mar 2014 18:08:40 GMT
Sempre Audio Jour-Fixe in Vienna with Totem and YBA The Vienna location Im Hinterhof was again the place where Michael Holzinger from Austrian Sempre Audio webmagazine made one of his HiFi Jour Fixes. The theme of the evening was how much HiFi is needed in reality. Examples of several solutions were shown with Totem Acoustic loudspeakers, French YBA electronics and the Swiss JMC Soundboard (I represent both brands for the High-End Company AG in Austria).


The two points in discussion: First how expensive, second how big regarding physical size somebody realy needs in his living room. To get a broader view outside of the high-end perspective Jürgen Weber-Rom and Michael Holzinger led a conversation on the subject.


Michael Holzinger, chief editor of Sempre Audio webmagazine, talking to the audienceMichael Holzinger, chief editor of Sempre Audio webmagazine, talking to the audiencewww.​sempre-​audio.​at


Big surprise for all visitors: The very small Totem Arro floorstander speakers filled the room with the necessary power and fundament. The mid-size YBA Design electronics had enough power and musical qualities to expressed the listeners.


Of course the second setup -  small Totem Model-1 Signature bookshelf speakers - convinced all to make a step up in each sound parameter. The bigger YBA Heritage electronics assisted the small speakers and filled the whole big seminar room of the location. Yes bigger better here...


Our big setup with newer Totem Forst Signature speakers and complete YBA Passion electronics showed what you can achieve if invested "big money" (over 20k Euro). If you are used to it - no way to go back to an entry-level setup.


Nevertheless the small Totem Arro did not dissapoint any visitor if switching back - all of the main musical qualities stayed. Going up in the Totem speaker range you get more and more, of course - but still in the entry range you get the whole musical experience.


Michael Holzinger (Sempre Audio) in discussion with Jürgen Weber-Rom (editor of Sempre Audio)


During the breaks the second surprise guest for many visitors - the Swiss JMC Soundboard - took the part of music reproduction. Many had to look that the Soundboard was playing - and not one pair of the fabulous Totem speakers. The design, the aesthetics, its luxury Swiss origin are perfect to get much attention. And Hearing is believing that you get great sound, high-end sound, musical emotion too.


Here is the link to the complete photo album!


Please take also a look at the last Sempre Audio event in Klagenfurt, assisted by Accustic Arts and KEF:


Link to my photo album

Link to the Sempre Audio report in German


[email protected] (Kircher HiFi Distribution) Arro Austria Design Flash Forest_Signature Heritage Hifi High-End_Company_AG High_End JMC JMC_Lutherie_Soundboard Michael_Holzinger Model_1_Signature Passion Sempre_Audio Stereo Totem_Acoustic Vienna Wien YBA Österreich Wed, 04 Dec 2013 20:10:10 GMT
MONOSTEREO event with Matej Isak in Ljubljana, Slovenia - with Accustic Arts and Totem Last weekend the long planned event with Matej Isak from Mono & Stereo High-End Audio Magazine took place in the fantastic big showroom of Igor Kante's Ubiq-Vklop high-end shop in Ljubljana.


Here you find Matej's report with my photos on his MONOSTEREO website!


His website already shared my blog entries of the High-End Slovakia 2013 and the Klangbilder 2013 high-end show in Vienna.


my personal favourite speakers from Totem Element Metal are looking like bookshelf personal favourite speakers from Totem Element Metal are looking like bookshelf speakers...


3 brands I represent in several countries were used to built my personal setup for the event:


Totem Acoustic provided the Element Metal floorstander speaker, Accustic Arts the electronics with reference DRIVE II and TUBE DAC II MK2 including asynchronous USB fed by JRiver Mediacenter from my laptop. For amplification the POWER I MK3 was allowed to show what an integrated amplifier is capable.


Symposium Acoustics (2 Ultra platforms, 1 Svelte Plus shelf, top Rollerblocks Serie 2+ with G3 Superballs and Point Pods under speaker feet) helped to fight against resonances and maximized timing, tension and the corpus of good music. Of course simultaneously system resolution is increasing too to highest extend - but the first points are most important for music reproduction. The famous Rollerblocks of course worked directly between the platforms and bottom of the Accustic Arts electronics.


Take a look at my latest photos in my private listening room using Symposium Acoustics too.


from left: Matej Isak (chief editor of, Igor Kante (shop owner) and myselffrom left: Matej Isak (chief editor of, Igor Kante (shop owner) and myself


from left to right: Matej Isak (chief editor of MONOSTEREO), Igor Kante (Ubiq-Vklop shop owner) and myself


Please look here for my complete photo album!

[email protected] (Kircher HiFi Distribution) Accustic_Arts Audio Austria Avantgarde_Acoustic DRIVE_II Element_Metal Hifi Igor_Kante Laibach Ljubljana Matej_Isak Slovenia Slovenija Slowenien Stereo Symposium_Acoustics TUBE_DAC_II_MK2 Totem_Acoustic Trio USB_asynchronous Ubiq_Vklop Österreich Tue, 26 Nov 2013 08:48:53 GMT
Klangbilder 2013 - Vienna high-end show report - Accustic Arts, JMC, Symposium Acoustic, Totem, YBA 8th to 10th November 2013 - Klangbilder high-end audio show again in Vienna


  • location again the Hilton Vienna Plaza hotel in downtown
  • myself being responsible for two rooms (as I represent both Accustic Arts and the High-End Company AG in Austria)

Braking news: Matej Isak from Mono & Stereo High-End Audio Magazine shares now my blog entries!


alternately playing Totem Forest Signature speakers or JMC Soundboard with YBA Passion electronicsalternately playing Totem Forest Signature speakers or JMC Soundboard with YBA Passion electronics


There is no single highlight in our first room - it was a coherency teamwork of French YBA Passion electronics (the mid-range) alternately playing with the new Totem Forest Signature speakers or the luxury Swiss made JMC Soundboard (see my older blog entry). Many visitors did only recognize the Soundboard as the source of music when Norbert Luethi, Jasmin Weilenmann or Peter Sambs changed to the extraordinary Totem Forest Signature speakers. Of course the sound was not the same, but the musical quality is similar. And Totem speakers are well-known for their high musicality and deep impact.


Comparing both speakers is not easy, maybe even not possible - Totem may be more the high-end speaker for classic stereo setup, the JMC Soundboard the high-end solution for your living room. With small kids (my personal situation) a Soundboard on the wall is the safer way of listening to music.


I would want both - a custom designed JMC Soundboard for the living room and the classic high-end stereo ... And Yes you can personalize your Soundboard!


the team of Accustic Arts / Totem Element room: left Zalan Schuster (room acoustics) and myself (Totem, Accustic Arts setup)the team of Accustic Arts / Totem Element room: left Zalan Schuster (room acoustics) and myself (Totem, Accustic Arts setup)


Now we take a look at the 2nd room, our big setup - Accustic Arts reference electronics and Totem Element Metal speakers same as in 2012 - to lift the excellent sound to a higher level still was my personal approach. Both brands, Totem and Accustic Arts, are my personal favorites to reach my sound goals - as these have strong musical impact, presenting all the tension of real music, showing real corpus and power like live music, straight sound to show you the natural timbre of human voice.


So I added complete room acoustic treatment done by Slovakian Acoustic Professional Zalan Schuster. He is a worldwide expert and uses primary GIK Acoustics elements - the most neutral on the market. He is able to analyze a specific room and plan a special design that suits a special customers room and taste. His main advantage is very much experience to set the right elements on the best place in a room. In Austria you can contact me for his service.


Accustic Arts DRIVE II cd-transport with Symposium Rollerblocks Serie 2+ and G3 balls (double stack)Accustic Arts DRIVE II cd-transport with Symposium Rollerblocks Serie 2+ and G3 balls (double stack)


As a second add-on I used the famous Symposium Isis Rack (Absolute Sound editor's choice 2010) which combines two innovative technologies pioneered by Symposium: the Svelte Shelf and the fabulous Rollerblock isolation system. It works like a catapult for every good component. All 3 Accustic Arts components standing in the rack were simultaneous coupled and decoupled with the famous Symposium Rollerblocks Serie 2+ bearing devices with the top-notch G3 balls. My two Accustic Arts MONO II amplifiers were "only" coupled with Symposium Precision Couplers - making good contact to two Ultra platforms. That was a safe setup for the fair - at home I would use here the Rollerblocks instead of course.


The result was so far the best sound achieved by me on a fair and it was 100% my personal setup, fulfilling my idea of sound. In Comparison to 2012 we got more stable sound, better bass response (because of room acoustic treatment and Symposium use). The new excellent asynchronous USB input of the Accustic Arts TUBE DAC II MK2 made the setup easier. A PS Audio P10 power plant helped regarding bad power conditions in the big hotel.


But please be careful - the result is the sum of every detail: excellent electronics, wonderful speakers, good cables, power conditioner, the state-of-the-art rack, Rollerblocks and the perfect room acoustic treatment. It is the synergy of all that works. A good dealer looks for that too and assists you if searching for only one new component.


complete team in first room: Jasmin Weilenmann, Peter Sambs (Sambs Hifi Linz), Norbert Luethi and myselfcomplete team in first room: Jasmin Weilenmann, Peter Sambs (Sambs Hifi Linz), Norbert Luethi and myself


Last but not at least I want to introduce you 3 people which made the demo in the first room - from left to right:


Jasmin Weilenmann (CEO of Swiss High-End Company AG), Peter Sambs (Sambs Hifi in Linz, Austria), Norbert Luethi (CEO of Euronics Switzerland, mother company of the High-End Company AG) and myself (sales agent for Accustic Arts and all HEC products)


That was the last national high-end show in 2013 - 2014 I will welcome you in Munich at the German High End fair.


Please take also a look at the complete photo album here!


[email protected] (Kircher HiFi Distribution) Accustic_Arts Audio Austria Flash GIK_Acoustics Hans Hifi High-End_Company_AG JMC JMC_Soundboard Klangbilder_2013 Stereo Symposium_Acoustics The_Flash Theesink Totem_Acoustic Vienna Wien YBA Zalan_Schuster_Acoustics high-end room_acoustics show Österreich Fri, 15 Nov 2013 19:12:19 GMT
Accustic Arts and Totem weekend again in Linz at Sambs Hifi! (11.-12.10.2013) In October my Accustic Arts dealer Sambs Hifi in Linz organized again 3 High-End weekends. Highlight of the first event was British KEF Blade flagship speakers - partnered with Accustic Arts reference electronics. I confess that I never heard KEF speakers better than in Linz.

The following 2nd weekend was "my" event - 2 setups with Totem speakers and Accustic Arts electronics again.

The "smaller" setup highlighted the new Totem Forest Signature speakers. It is a refined version of classic Totem Forest model, nowadays built more than 10 years. ES electronics line from Accustic Arts was the perfect partner here.


Totem Forest Signature loudspeakers at Samb Hifi shop in Linz


And the big setup:


Totem Elements Metal reference floorstander speakers playing with the complete Accustic Arts reference series. The brandnew Accustic Arts MONO II power amplifiers played first time in an Austrian shop. Its world premiere was one week before in Bratislava. I love these speakers, the electronics - truly high emotional engaging sound. Like live with all the tension and power of good music. You forget the setup - you experience real musicians playing in concert.


Totem Element Metal loudspeaker, new Accustic Arts MONO II, left Accustic Arts AMP II


This coming weekend, Friday through Sunday, I invite you to the Klangbilder High-End show 2013 in Vienna! We try to reach the next level in sound - visit us in our two rooms 909 + 910 in the Hilton Vienna Plaza - Accustic Arts and High-End Company AG:



Klangbilder 2013 high-end show in Vienna - Hilton Vienna PlazaKlangbilder 2013 high-end show in Vienna - Hilton Vienna Plaza


Link to complete photo album!

[email protected] (Kircher HiFi Distribution) AMP_2_II Accustic_Arts Austria Bel_Canto DRIVE_2_II Elelemt_Fire Elelent_Metal Element_Earth Element_Ember Linz MONO_II_2 Magnepan Oberösterreich PLAYER_ES POWER_ES RefLink STREAMER_ES Sambs_Hifi TUBE_DAC_2_II TUBE_PREAMP_II_2 Totem_Acoustic Totem_Arro Totem_Forest_Signature VTL hifi high_end Österreich Sat, 02 Nov 2013 18:27:04 GMT
High End Slovakia 2013 with Accustic Arts and Hanzel Audio! The big follower to the succesful Accustic Arts MONO II presentation in Bratislava, Slovakia:


Accustic Arts along with the new Slovakian dealer Hanzel Audio and Zalan Schuster Acoustics (responsible for acoustic treatment in the room) participated in the High End Slovakia 2013 show in Bratislava - 19. + 20.10.2013.


Accustic Arts at the High End Slovakia 2013 in Bratislava!


The great High End Slovakia fair held in Bratislava (only 40 minutes east of Vienna) took place in 2 luxury hotels in down-town. Fantastic weather outside was to blame for the failure to get the perfect sound in the big and empty hotel salon so the room was optimized by Zalan Schuster, a well-known expert in Slovakia and Czech Republic. He managed to get the best of the sound by placing different acoustic elements from GIK Acoustics (absorbers, diffusors, bass traps) on the walls. As a result the sound was outstanding on most of the spots, not only on the typical sweet one! Once the audio setup was completed the attached room acoustic elements followed - the positive effect was a 100% after. ;)


The big Elipson 4260 floor stand speakers (15" woofers!!) driven by the brand new Accustic Arts MONO II reference power amplifiers delivered outstanding power and very dynamic sound! Additionally the typical power in the midrange of Accustic Arts electronics helped jazz, rock and classical singers to create a lifelike presence in the room.


The sound stage was enormous which made the room boundaries seem to disappear! This is of course thanks to the clever room acoustic tuning by Zalan...


Group photo at the end of the successful High End Slovakia 2013 in Bratislava: Milan Hanzel, Zalan Schuster, xxx and myselfGroup photo at the end of the successful High End Slovakia 2013 in Bratislava: Milan Hanzel, Zalan Schuster, and myself


So here is my big tip: You need Accustic Arts reference electronics (including the outstanding TUBE DAC II MK2, my personal reference da-converter, suitable Accustic Arts cables, good speakers, an acoustically comfortable room and the world class sound's guaranteed! ;)


As premiere in Bratislava we used the new asynchronous USB input for the Accustic Arts TUBE DAC II MK2 supplemented by a custom programmed Accustic Arts USB driver. I would suggest the upgrade to all owners of the TUBE DAC II MK2 if playing high-res files from computer! This ensures superior sound, and if you choose different inputs on the DAC you will recognise that your computer will stay attached as a sound card – great stuff!


At the show I as usual had my small Sony Vaio Z laptop with a 256GB SSD inside and an additionally installed 1TB hard disc instead of its blue-ray drive. ;) Unfortunately nowadays laptops do not have an option to change a drive with a second big hard disc to have more music on the road...


High End Slovakian employee presents Milan Hanzel the Award "Excellent sound at the High End Slovakia 2013"!High End Slovakian employee presents Milan Hanzel the Award "Excellent sound at the High End Slovakia 2013"!


At the end of the High End Slovakia 2013 fair the new Accustic Arts dealer Milan Hanzel (right) proudly presents the show award for excellent sound!


Take a look here at the complete photo album of the fantastic weekend in Bratislava! See you all again 2014...

[email protected] (Kircher HiFi Distribution) Accustic_Arts Andrej Audio Austria Bratislava Hanzel Hanzel_Audio Hanzel_Moto Hifi High_End_Slovakia_2013 Lacko Lukáš Milan_Hanzel Slovensko Slowakei Stereo Turok Vienna Wien Zalan_Schuster_Acoustics Österreich Wed, 23 Oct 2013 16:41:36 GMT
Accustic Arts including MONO II - first time presented in Bratislava, Slovakia! The new Accustic Arts MONO II amplifiers played first time in front of public - World premiere in Bratislava - Friday the 4th October 2013!


Bratislava is the capital of Slovakia, only 79km east of Vienna. The acoustically perfect treated room by Zalan Schuster Acoustics served as perfect location. Two excellent dealers from Bratislava organized this event:


Milan Hanzel (CEO of Hanzel Audio) and Zalan Schuster (Zalan Schuster Acoustics)!


Accustic Arts World premiere: Mono II amplifiers first time playing in public at presentation in Bratislava. Together with Milan Hanzel and Zalan Schuster!


From left to right: Milan Hanzel, Zalan Schuster and myself presenting the Accustic Arts MONO II amplifiers!


Accustic Arts MONO II - playing first time in public in Bratislava, Slovakia - a world premiere!


Special guest: Andrej Turok, independent high-end audio editor (former chief editor of Slovak High End magazine) will soon write a report of the event in the Slovak HiFi magazine HIGH & Style. As a musician he plays smooth jazz - see here  some compact discs of Andrei Turok!


Accustic Arts presentation in Bratislava with special guest Andrej Turok who is a jazz musician and editor of the Slovak HIGH & Style magazine!


An almost certainly acoustically perfect room will not let me forget so quickly that evening. As a lover of classical music, I was there so close to the live experience like never before! An incredible stability in the sound, a rock-solid bass without resonances reproduced the music in all its power and tension like in the real concert hall...


Here the link to the complete photo album of this fantastic evening!

[email protected] (Kircher HiFi Distribution) Accustic_Arts Andrej_Turok Bratislava Hanzel Hanzel_Moto HiFi High_End MONO_II Milan_Hanzel Pressburg Slovakia Slovensko Slowakei Zalan_Schuster Zalan_Schuster_Acoustics stereo Mon, 07 Oct 2013 20:54:50 GMT
JMC Lutherie Soundboard - my visit in Switzerland! My visit to JMC Lutherie factory is the theme of the new blog entry. How to start the first story about this special JMC Soundboard invented and built by this Swiss company in Le Brassus, Switzerland?


My first impressions were the information I got from JMC website and the retail prices provided by the High-End Company AG which i represent in Austria.


I learned that the mastermind Jeanmichel Capt of JMC has built folk guitars for decades and the beautiful Soundboard inherited similar technique - tuned to transport the full frequency spectrum with suitable neutrality as a loudspeaker. As I played the classical guitar for more than 10 years I was curious to audition this elegant "loudspeaker" in reality. I tried to be as open as possible to get a serious, complete impression.


Hotel De La Lande, Le Brassus, Switzerland - JMC Soundboard


Valle de Joux - the Risoud Forest there is the perfect source for tonewood of well-known quality. 350 years are needed for the "perfect resonance spruce" to grow - the chance is about 10000:1 that one tree is the right one to build musical instruments or lutherie. Since generations many Lutherie companies know the forest because of the high-quality tonewood there. At an altitude of 1200m you find them protected in small valleys of the wood. The tree must be grown straight, must not rotate, only branches near the top.


Jeanmichel Capt, mastermind of JMC Lutherie Soundboard - in the Risoud Forest


At the 8th of August I arrived in Le Brassus in the Vallee de Joux - thirty minutes north of Lake Geneva. Many famous Swiss luxury watch companies are situated directly in the village or in the region - like Audemars Piguet or Blancpain. JMC manufactures special resonance boards and other products built for these watch brands  - to amplify the sound of these famous watches. Hublot already bought a custom designed JMC Soundboard for all Hublot boutiques around the world!


JMC Lutherie Soundboard - showroom in Le Brassus, Soundboard


Morning in the showroom: Céline Renaud, Director & Founder explains the JMC Soundboard - extraordinary design!! Several versions hanging on all walls.


And then she pressed the play button - wow, I hear a Cello with power and strong impact - I am surprised! It is a very compact sound, has impact, beautiful timbre and faster, deeper bass I ever awaited... I stood up - the Soundboard was attached assymetrical on one wall. You can walk through the whole big room - the quality stays - same sound everywhere, no bass problems caused by resonances.


Higher volumes are possible - your amplifier should have stable 80 - 100 Watts at 8 Ohm. For very large audiences use more pieces.


JMC Soundboard Marc J. Pasini limited edition


So what is the JMC Soundboard now? A loudspeaker, a sound furniture, an instrument, luxury Swiss design, Stealth High-End HiFi?


You must have a personal rendezvous with the JMC Soundboard to discover what it means to you! It seems to be the perfect solution for every living room - great sound - you recognize only luxury design on the wall. On the other hand it can make phantastic sound in shops, luxury hotels and other places. Custom built version are available. Everything built in Switzerland, all parts from there.


The Austrian retail prices start at Euro 9000,- incl. VAT.

Dimensions: 89x89x21cm, Weight 12kg


Link to my complete photo album!


[email protected] (Kircher HiFi Distribution) Austria Design HiFi High-End JMC JMC_Lutherie Lautsprecher Le_Brassus Luxus Soundboard Vallée_de_Joux loudspeaker Österreich Sun, 08 Sep 2013 19:21:05 GMT
YBA Heritage electronics line - big sound, excellent price! Today I want to introduce some new gear - the Heritage range built by famous French brand YBA. I am sure many know Yves Bernard André, the founder and designer of YBA electronics since 1981. As YBA is well-known for extreme high-end the price-performance ratio of the three Heritage products is outstanding IMHO.


Since June I visited a lot of good dealers in Austria - the YBA Heritage electronics showed excellent sound on various speakers and made compared to many competitors in its price-class a perfect performance. To describe the sound I want to use the words powerful, dynamically, precise - paired with very sweet and natural timbre. These properties allow for a combination with many different speakers.



The YBA CD100 cd-player sounded best for me with upsampling/SRC off - more musical and natural. An USB input and a coaxial digital input (24/192) allows for connection to external digital sources. Please note the newest model has a drawer for the compact disc again, it is more practical in daily use.


The YBA MP100 media streamer is brandnew - with the same streaming motherboard from Vienna based company Stream Unlimited inside as my favourite streamer Accustic Arts Streamer ES. Sound is similar to the phantastic CD100 compact disc player. All high resolution music in WAV, FLAC or AIFF (Apple Lossless) up to 24/192 is supported. Additional you can connect an USB device, your iPod/Pad, your computer via USB and there is a coaxial digital input too.



The powerful YBA A100 integrated amplifier (2x150W/8Ohm) let you connect 5 devices via RCA and 1 device with XLR - the media streamer and the cd player have both oprions, RCS and XLR outputs. The video RCA input has a bypass feature for volume control if you want to connect a surround processor.



All 3 YBA Heritage units have the same solid black aluminium made remote control - if you own a combo you have one in reserve... :)

retail prices in Austria:


Have a look at the complete photo album here!

[email protected] (Kircher HiFi Distribution) YBA a100 austria cd100 cd_spieler deutschland germany heritage hifi high_end mp100 streamer vollverstärker yves-bernard_andre österreich Thu, 01 Aug 2013 20:13:52 GMT
Vinyl Day at Pure Dynamcis shop in Graz with new PureGroove turntable presentation! Due to a hot summer day the Vinyl day in the Pure Dynamics shop was very relaxed. The eyecatcher was the new Pure Dynamics PureGroove turntable - the smaller brother of the big-big PureGroove Ultimate. More than 1000 top analogue records made a perfect shopping Saturday.


Pure Dynamics PureGroove turntable in Raspberry color


As an analogue fan Georg Ruppert has been looking for his perfect turntable drive for a long time. Excellent resolution is the strong point of the belt drive  - but Georg feels that the large scale dynamics are a bit limited compared to digitally stored music. So he discovered the idler turntables as basis for a new turntable drive (that is similar to direct drive without necessary speed regulation). The big model PureGroove Ultimate sports a big 12kg platter - the new PureGroove has a similar platter with half height. See here for more info!


I only say: it's a very strong sound with perfect impact and rhythm paired with excellent resolution and analogue flair. I like the design, especially the smaller new PureGroove - it is no classic design and it polarizes. The rasperry color is very cool - my family visited a strawberry field at the same time. ;)


Georg Ruppert and Peter Url, Pure Dynamcis PureGroove turntable


The 2 masterminds behind the cool Pure Dynamcis PureGroove turntables: Peter Url and DI Georg Ruppert from Pure Dynamics!


Accustic Arts, Bel Canto and Pure Dynamics


The Pure Dynamics shop presents its own brand Pure Dynamics tube electronics, loudspeakers and turntables - and additionally top products of Accustic Arts and Bel Canto. The phono stage of the Accustic Arts Power ES amplifier did an phantastic job assisting the new red PureGroove turntable - much power and tension, music!


Please find here the complete photo album - photos of the big PureGroove Ultimate turntable too!


[email protected] (Kircher HiFi Distribution) Accustic_Arts Analog Austria Bel_Canto_e_one Graz Hifi Plattenspieler PureGroove_Ultimate Pure_Dynamics Vinyl_Day analogue bel_canto turntable Österreich Sat, 15 Jun 2013 18:59:49 GMT
Accustic Arts presented the new MONO II amplifiers first time in Munich! Long awaited - Accustic Arts showed the first two Accustic Arts MONO II power amplifiers in public - World premiere at the HIGH END 2013 in Munich!


Accustic Arts is proud and happy to show his new babies to the German Press! ;)


Accustic Arts MONO II world premiere Munich 2013


And now I can tell you more defintive specs about the new upcoming Accustic Arts MONO II:


  • pricing between AMP II and AMP III - surprising, but Accustic Arts is well-known for an excellent price-performance ratio
  • power output: about 500 Watts on 4 Ohm - combines Class A / AB as in AMP II
  • size: 240mm width, 350mm height, 410mm depth (exactly half of an AMP II)
  • available in Silver finish, optional in Black
  • Bi-Wiring speaker terminal
  • release date about September 2013!


Accustic Arts MONO II - High End 2013 München


Take a look at the complete Accustic Arts photo album from the HIGH END 2013 in Munich!

[email protected] (Kircher HiFi Distribution) Accustic_Arts Acoustic_Arts Austria Hifi High_End Mono_2 Mono_II Munich München Stereo specs technische_Daten Österreich Fri, 17 May 2013 18:34:28 GMT
Totem room at the HIGH END 2013 in Munich - next follow up after Accustic Arts! My second photo album ist online - Follow here the link to the Totem Acoustic Room, powered by the Swiss High End Company AG!


Also take care of my first Accustic Arts photo album including the Bi-Amping workshop with Matthias Boede from German STEREO magazine!


Until Sunday late morning the show was run by Vince Bruzzese himself, owner of Canadian Totem Acoustic loudspeaker company. He did a perfect job to show the magic and philosophy of Totem speakers. 


Technic to serve the music - to get a highly musical experience! Fantastic! Power, tension, color, almost everything...


Vince_Bruzzese_Totem_Munich_2013Vince Bruzzese, CEO of Totem Acoustic loudspeakers from Canada attending the HIGH END 2013 in Munich!


The famous VTL tube amplifiers, assisted by French YBA CD Players assisted to get the whole story! It was hard to get photos in an empty room - had to come very early in the morning before the show in Munich was opened for the public. ;)


Totem_Forest_Signature_Munich_2013Totem Forest Signature loudspeaker - European premiere at the HIGH END 2013 in Munich!


In Munich we celebrated the European premiere of the new Totem Forest Signature loudspeakers - the evolution model of the well-known Forest speakers.

As source the YBA CD100 played the music, amplified by the VTL IT 85 integrated tube amp.


Totem_Element_Metal_Fire_VTL_YBA_Munich_2013YBA Signature CD Player, VTL TL 7.5 III tube preamp and MB 450 III mono tube amplifiers feed Totem Acoustic Element speakers at the HIGH END 2013 in Munich!


And now a view at the big setup for the big boys! ;)


Totem Element Metal floorstander and Element Fire bookshelf loudspeakers powered by:

YBA Signature CD Player, VTL TL 7.5 Serie III tube preamplifier and VTL MB 450 Serie III tube mono amplifiers (2x425W)


Thanks all for visiting - it was a great show! We come back...


And do not forget to look here for the complete Totem photo album! Like it, share it, every feedback is Welcome!


[email protected] (Kircher HiFi Distribution) 2013 Austria Deutschland Element_Metal_Fire Forest_Signature Germany Hifi High-End Luke_Manley Munich München Totem_Acoustic VTL Vince_Bruzzese YBA Österreich Wed, 15 May 2013 18:18:04 GMT
Totem Acoustic, VTL and YBA via Highendcompany at the HIGH END 2013 in Munich! (27.04.2013) And here is my next teaser for the visitors of the HIGH END 2013 in Munich!


The Swiss Highendcompany is the distributor of Totem Acoustic, YBA, Eversound and Flash power cables in Austria and Germany. I am their sales agent in Austria and South Germany. In Munich two different setups including products from Totem Acoustic, VTL and YBA are presented! So you can enjoy twice a Canadian-US-French mix.

Highly musical evolving Totem speakers with powerfull VTL tube amplifiers and first-class YBA digital source - stay tuned for a great musical experience!


Here you find them: Atrium 4.2, room F206


First setup - European premiere of the new Totem Forest Signature loudspeakers!

Totem Acoustic Forest SignatureTotem_ForestSignature_ex4_de

The YBA CD100 cd player with the VTL IT 85 integrated tube amplifier will show the sound capabilities of the new Totem Forest Signature loudpseakers! The Forest Signature is at once a celebration and culmination of the Forest evolution - over the last 15 years. These special speakers come with a Polyester multi-coat finish on Cherry or Mahagony veneer.


No. 2 - Totem Elements Metal and Fire reference speakers, the Totem Torrent family - with VTL and YBA!


The 30.5 kg heavy YBA SIGNATURE CD PLAYER (reference model of the French electronics brand) as source, amplified by the famous VTL TL 7.5 III reference tube preamplifier and VTL MB 450 III Signature mono block tube amplifiers will show the whole potential of the Totem Element loudspeakers series! Both the bookshelf speaker Totem Element Fire and the big floorstander Totem Element Metal will be presented in Munich.

Totem Element Metal and Fire, VTL TL 7.5 III, VTL MB 450 III Here you see the whole setup warming up at the headquarter of the Swiss Highendcompany! Only the YBA SIGNATURE CD PLAYER is missing on that photo...


As special guest the man behind Totem is visiting Munich too:

Vince Bruzzese, CEO of Totem is attending the show and I am happy to meet him personally.


[email protected] (Kircher HiFi Distribution) 2013 Austria Elements_Fire Elements_Metal Forest_Signature High_End Munich München Totem_Acoustic VTL Vince_Bruzzese YBA hifi highendcompany Österreich Sat, 27 Apr 2013 17:39:57 GMT
Accustic Arts - 6 world premieres at the HIGH END 2013 in Munich! (24.04.2013) Here is my short teaser for all visitors of the HIGH END 2013 in Munich - from 9th to 12th of May 2013! The MOC in Munich hosts the HIGH END 2013 as in the last years - you find the Accustic Arts team here: booth E17 in hall 3. Additional live demos with 2 loudspeaker brands will be here:


Atrium 3, D108:

Dali Epicon loudspeakers with Accustic Arts DRIVE II, TUBE DAC II MK 2, TUBE PREAMP II, AMP I MK 2 Bi-Amping

Mathias Böde from German STEREO magazine makes a workshop to show the benefits of Bi-Amping!

Here you see the rehearsal for the fair - in German!


Atrium 4, F110:

ASW loudspeakers with Accustic Arts DRIVE II, TUBE DAC II MK 2, PREAMP I MK 3, AMP 1 MK 2


And now my teaser - the 6 Accustic Arts world premieres in Munich!


No. 1 - new Accustic Arts PLAYER II

Accustic Arts Player II

Based upon the renowned reference CD transport DRIVE II Accustic Arts develpoed a "state-of-the-art" CD player and stand alone D/A converter as the ultimate integrated solution. Some features are:

  • 4 digital inputs: XLR, coaxial, optical and USB
  • USB-input in latest 24/192 asynchronous technology
  • Additional, volume adjustable output, switchable
  • Choice between native signal processing or 192 kHz upsampling


No. 2 - new Accustic Arts TUBE PREAMP II - MK 2

Accustic Arts TUBE PREAMP II - MK 2


The MK 2 version of the tube-hybrid preamplifier shines with additional features like:

  • Integrated headphone amplifier, switchable
  • Unregulated, switchable output, for example for the connection of an external headphone amplifier
  • 2 fully balanced XLR-outputs (alternatively DC and AC coupled)
  • 2 fully unbalanced RCA.outputs (alternatively DC and AC coupled)
  • Phase switch for 0° and 180°
  • Surround Bypass
  • High-Precision and several times selected military type tubes


No. 3 - new Accustic Arts MONO II

Accustic Arts monos


The world-wide awarded flagship amplifier AMP II - MK 2 delivered the basis for the brandnew mono-amplifier MONO II. Accustic Arts will be showing the first prototype at the HIGH END 2013 in Munich!


No. 4 - new USB 24/192 asynchronous-option for Accustic Arts TUBE DAC II - MK 2

Accustic Arts TUBE DAC II - MK 2


The legendary TUBE DAC II - MK 2 is now able to handle 24bit/192kHz in asynchronous technology via the USB-input. This option can also implemented as an upgrade in all existing TD2 - MK 2!


No. 5 - new USB 24/192 asynchronous-option for Accustic Arts PLAYER ES

Accustic Arts PLAYER ES


The hot seller PLAYER ES will be equipped with an asynchronous USB-input in 24/192 technology too.


No. 6 - new Uncompressed World Vol. 4, audiophile solo piano compact disc

Accustic Arts Uncompressed World Vol. 4 - Audiophile Solo Piano Compact DiscDruck


Finally it's been accomplished and Accustic Arts is proud to present the fourth volume within the audiophile CD series UNCOMPRESSED WORLD. Everything in Vol. 4 is about Solo Piano and Accustic Arts managed to compile numerous musical delicacies from all over the world for all music lovers - Classic and Jazz tracks...


See you in Munich!

[email protected] (Kircher HiFi Distribution) 2013 Accustic_Arts Acoustic_Arts Austria High-End Mono_II Munich München Player_II Tube_Preamp_II_MK2 USB_24_192_asynchronous Uncompressed_World_Vol_4 new Österreich Wed, 24 Apr 2013 06:26:00 GMT
Andreas Strasser Audiotechnik - St. Pölten! (17.04.2013) This week visited my Accustic Arts dealer Andreas Strasser in the center of St. Pölten, the capital of Lower Austria. The nice shop is located in the yard of an old building directly in the center of the city. Inside taking photos with flash is difficult because of the vault everythere. 


Andreas_Strasser_Hifi_St._Pölten_1Strasser audio video shop - in a historic building in the center of St. Pölten, Austria


The big surprise for every visitor wil be that the sound in the demo is excellent - regardless of the difficult acoustic situation!! To get similar results at customer's home too he go there and demonstrate how to achieve best possible results... Andreas Strasser is a qualified electrician and master craftsman - service on old gear can be done and has finished many custom installations projects in private or public area.


Andreas_Strasser_Hifi_St._Pölten_2Andreas Strasser, the owner of Strasser Audio Video hifi shop in St. Pölten, Austria


I demonstrated the new Accustic Arts Streamer ES, my laptop worked as music server and my mobile phone commanded the streaming client using the Accustic Arts streaming app. 100% plug and play - so concentrated on music stuff. ;) Jazz, classics, opera - we enjoyed everything with a maximum of musical tension and emotional impact ... a perfect afternoon!


Andreas_Strasser_Hifi_St._Pölten_3Accustic Arts Streamer ES and Power ES with Audio Physic loudspeaker!


Please take a look at the complete photo album!

[email protected] (Kircher HiFi Distribution) Accustic_Arts Acoustic_Arts Andreas_Strasser Lower_Austria Niederösterreich Pölten St. Vienna Wien hifi high-end Fri, 19 Apr 2013 19:32:16 GMT
A view in my listening room - Totem Acoustic, VTL and Accustic Arts! (13.04.2013) Today evening - something new - a short view in my listening room!

The first demo products from VTL - the highly regarded US tube electronics company - arrived my home and office!

So I have to test it and to audition some good music too! It smells good - so enjoying music and stopped testing soon. ;) MUSIC should always be the main purpose!!

The sound is an excellent mix of weight and power, the complete tension in my favourite music, very natural color and a delicate smooth top-end.

The unpacked VTL ST150 power amp uses 2x4 6550C tubes - same type as in the famous Siegfried Reference Monoblock amplifiers!


Totem Acoustic Elements Metal, VTL TL2.5 + ST150 and Accustic Arts Streamer ES


As you can not hear the phantastic sound - you can read the facts about the quick setup made:

Totem Acoustic Elements Metal loudspeaker

VTL TL2.5 line preamp

VTL ST-150 stereo power amp (2x90W in Triode mode or 2x175W in Terode mode)

Accustic Arts Streamer ES

all cables by Accustic Arts, platforms and Rollerblocks Series 2+ from Symposium Acoustics USA!


here are all photos from my listening room in my distribution office!

[email protected] (Kircher HiFi Distribution) Accustic_Arts Austria Elements_Metal Grade_3_superballs Rollerblocks_Series2 ST-150 Streamer_ES Svelte_shelf Symposium_Acoustics TL2.5 Totem_Acoustic Ultra_platform VTL hifi high-end Österreich Sat, 13 Apr 2013 21:40:56 GMT
Weekend with Accustic Arts and Totem Acoustic at Sambs Hifi in Linz! (08.-09.03.2013) March 2013 - a whole weekend in Linz at Sambs Hifi, presenting the complete range of Accustic Arts electronics and Totem Acoustic loudspeakers!

Peter Sambs with visitors - playing the new Accustic Arts Streamer ES with Power ES and red glossy Totem Acoustic Forest speakers... (see all photos in the album)


PeterSambs, owner of Sambs Hifi in Linz playing Totem Acoustic and Accustic ArtsPeter Sambs with visitor

and now the big setup: the complete reference electronics from Accustic Arts - partnered with the phantastic Totem Acoustic Elements Metal loudspeakers - a seamless, coherent, musical experience including the complete tension in the music - worldclass! These speakers are for sure some of my personal favourites.
Music sources were the Accustic Arts Drive 2 with compact discs and many hd files from computer via Bel Canto uLink, an asynchronous USB-SPDIF Converter.

Sambs Hifi Linz with Totem Acoustic Elements Metal Accustic ArtsTotem Acoustic Elements Metal loudspeakers with complete Accustic Arts reference line


And last but not at least the Totem Acoustic Wind loudspeakers in the big setup! As a second top model in the Totem range these are the biggest loudspeakers from the Canadian brand. There was a serious discussion about Wind versus Elements Metal. My heart voted for the Elements. Okay there were also 2 songs which profited from the deeper bass of the Wind.


Sambs Hifi Linz with Totem Acoustic Wind Accustic ArtsTotem Acoustic Wind loudspeaker


As it was a great event many photos were made...

The complete photo album is here!

[email protected] (Kircher HiFi Distribution) Accustic_Arts Bel_Canto Linz Oberösterreich RefLink Sambs_Hifi Totem_Acoustic VTL hifi high_end mLink uLink Österreich Sun, 10 Mar 2013 19:43:50 GMT
Acoustic Point in Klagenfurt - Heidemarie Tratnik! (06.02.2013) In February 2013 - with heavy snowfall during driving, Austrian winter ;) - I visited my first Accustic Arts reference dealer in Klagenfurt, in the south of Austria. The shop Acoustic Point lies near the center of the city and is ruled by Heidemarie Tratnik. Sure you know women in our high-end business are seldom - so something very special too! And as Heidemarie is more than 30 years doing her company - she is for sure successfull!


Acoustic Point Klagenfurt with owner Heidemarie Tratnik selling Accustic Arts electronics.Heidemarie Tratnik, owner of Acoustic Point shop in Klagenfurt, Austria

As a women she has a special sense to make the dreams of her customers real. A visit in her shop is for sure a great musical experience and so you will be surprised that also high-end homecinemas with high approach or custom installations are possible. I am proud that she is our Stewart Filmscreen dealer in Kärnten.

Acoustic Point Klagenfurt is official dealer of the whole reference line of Accustic Arts electronics.Accustic Arts reference series (DRIVE II, TUBE-DAC II, TUBE-PREAMP II and AMP II)


The complete photo album is here!

[email protected] (Kircher HiFi Distribution) accustic_arts acoustic_arts acoustic_point heidemarie_tratnik heidi_tratnik hifi high_end klagenfurt kärnten stewart_filmscreen Fri, 15 Feb 2013 20:10:41 GMT
Sempre Audio Hifi jour fixe in Vienna about streaming (31.01.2013) Thursday evening in Vienna was a very special one!!!

Michael Holzinger from Sempre Audio magazine talked about audio streaming - the right way to do it... including all options. He has indeed a very profund know-how!

DLNA, Upnp, Airplay... Which solution is the right for music listenres with high approach? But too much theory would be boring - so the second part of the evening was reserved for music.


Michael Holzinger, chief editor of Sempre Audio tells about streaming using electronics from Accustic Arts and loudspeakers Forest from Totem Acoustic.


To show what is possible I assisted with the complete ES electronics line from Accustic Arts - the star was the brandnew and first time in Austria presented Accustic Arts STREAMER ES!

The heart (motherboard) of this high-end streaming client DAC is built by Stream Unlimited, a Vienna based company. Of course power supply, dac or analogue output section is pure Accustic Arts design - And that makes the big difference to standard gear. ;)

As Loudspeakers we choosed the well-known Forest model from Canadian company Totem Acoustic - many Thanks to the Swiss distributor Highendcompany and their two CEOs also visiting the event in Vienna.


Ludwig Flich, CEO of Klangbilder fair in Vienna visits the Sempre Audi event about streaming - showed with electronics from Accustic Arts and loudspeakers Forest from Totem Acoustic.


Many VIPs at the event - here Dr. Luwig Flich, the boss of Austrian Klangbilder high-end fair...


Walter Kircher at the Sempre Audio hifi jour-fixe in Vienna 2013, represents in Austria Accustic Arts and Totem Acoustic.


Last but not at least a photo of myself from a visitor with my cam! ;) Thank you!


Please look here for all photos from the evening in Vienna!

[email protected] (Kircher HiFi Distribution) Vienna accustic_arts acoustic_arts hifi high_end im_hinterhof ludwig_flich michael_holzinger niederösterreich sempre_audio streamer_es totem_acoustic wien österreich Sun, 03 Feb 2013 16:36:38 GMT
Accustic Arts ES STREAMER finally arrived here!!! (28.12.2012) The new toy finally arrived after Christmas - Accustic Arts ES STREAMER!

Unpacked now and plugged in - will report soon during holidays...



Please look here for the first photos!

[email protected] (Kircher HiFi Distribution) Austria Symposium_Acoustics accustic_arts acoustic_arts es_streamer hifi high_end new streamer_es unpacked unpacking Österreich Fri, 28 Dec 2012 10:27:11 GMT
Sempre Audio publishes its report about Accustic Arts factory tour! (17.12.2012) Michael Holzinger's report about the Accustic Arts factory tour is now online!!!


Sempre Audio wrote an article about the Accustic Arts factory visit 2012


Here is the directly link to the online report in German!


Please look here for my photos of the visit!

[email protected] (Kircher HiFi Distribution) accustic_arts acoustic_arts factory_report factory_tour firmenbericht hifi high_end michael_holzinger report sempre_audio Österreich Mon, 17 Dec 2012 18:46:00 GMT
Accustic Arts Xmasparty + STREAMER ES! (07.12.2012) Traditionally in December I take part at the Accustic Arts Xmasparty in Lauffen am Neckar, Germany. It's not only a party - there is much talk about new products, marketing, strategy, fairs in 2013... ;)

So here I am in front of the Accustic Arts headquarters - the sun likes me...


Walter Kircher, sales agent for Accustic Arts in Austria standing in front of Accustic Arts headquarter in Lauffen, Germany.

And here it is - the long-awaited - new toy in town!
Accustic Arts STREAMER ES!
First samples in test run at factory... well done. I will receive my first network streaming client in the next days. very excited now... ;)
This one is for Russia - but playing Kronehitradio from Austria!! :) Only took this shot - i did not choose that radio station before ... surprise!

One of the first brandnew Accustic Arts Streamer ES in factory test before shipping.


Because of the big success of the Accustic Arts own CD series Uncompressed World - you can be sure that Vol. 4 will be released soon. The team behind the recordings you see on my photo (left: sound engineer Milan Saje - right: Rasmus Muttscheller  from A&R)


Milan Saje, Steffen Schunk and Rasmus Muttscheller from A&R are the three masterminds behind the Accustic Arts Uncompressed World recordings.


The complete photo album is here!

[email protected] (Kircher HiFi Distribution) Austria Deutschland Germany Lauffen Milan_Saje Muttscheller Rasmus accustic_arts acoustic_arts hifi high_end streamer_es uncompressed_world Österreich Sun, 09 Dec 2012 20:02:00 GMT
new shop in Linz - SAMBS Hifi! (06.12.2012) After the Klangbilder fair in Vienna I visited the new high-end shop SAMBS Hifi in Linz again. Nevertheless the man behind the shop ist well-known since years in the high-end business here in Austria, Peter Sambs.

The new own shop is situated directly in the center of Linz - so easy to find .


Peter Sambs in Linz at the entry of his new high-end shop in the center of Linz, Austria.Peter Sambs in his hifi shop in Linz, Austria

Of course Peter Sambs is my partner for Accustic Arts in Linz again ;) - he takes care of everything and has a broad portfolio of many high regarded brands in shop - Totem Acoustic, Naim, McIntosh, Wilson Audio, Martin Logan, Pass, Audio Physic, Focal and more...

Sambs Hifi in Linz, Austria is selling the complete Accustic Arts electronics from Germany and also the complete range of Totem Acoustic loudspeakers.Accustic Arts electronics and Totem Acoustic Wind loudspeaker


I wish him personally all the Best for the new own shop!! As he takes care for individual customers and loves music - every music lover  or high-end freak near Linz is invited for a first visit...


Sambs Hifi Linz, Austria has everything in stock from Accustic Arts - the ES range, the top line and the reference line.


The complete photo album is here!

[email protected] (Kircher HiFi Distribution) accustic_arts acoustic_arts bel_canto hifi high_end linz oberoesterreich oberösterreich sambs_hifi totem_acoustic vTL österreich Thu, 06 Dec 2012 22:45:00 GMT
Klangbilder 2012 - high end fair in Vienna Austria (16.-18.11.2012) Again at Klangbilder 2012 high-end show in Vienna with Accustic Arts in the beautiful Hilton Vienna Plaza hotel at Schottenring, 1010 Vienna.

Accustic Arts was in room 910 together with Transrotor from Germany, assisted by Peter Sambs from Sambshifi in Linz. 2 German big players in high-end audio! ;)

Swiss Highendcompany added the phantastic Totem Acoustic Element Metal loudspeaker for this show. Peter Sambs in Linz has both brands in his shop.


Walter Kircher at Klangbilder fair 2012 in Vienna represents Accustic Arts and now Totem Acoustic in Austria.Walter Kircher presenting at Klangbilder high-end audio show 2012 Accustic Arts and Totem Acoustic

used gear:

The complete Accustic Arts reference line electronics with Drive 2, Tube Dac 2, Tube Preamp and Amp 2 at Klangbilder fair 2012 in Vienna.Accustic Arts reference series (DRIVE II, TUBE-DAC II, TUBE-PREAMP II and AMP II)


Many visitors, friends and professionals said Best sound of show... ;) Will come again 2013 to top!


standout room at Klangbilder 2012 fair in Vienna: Accustic Arts reference line with Totem Acoustic Elements Metal loudspeakers.Klangbilder 2012 - Accustic Arts reference line electronics and Totem Acoustic Elements Metal loudspeaker


The complete photo album is here!

[email protected] (Kircher HiFi Distribution) 2012 Accustic_Arts RefLink Totem_Acoustic Transrotor VTL Vienna Wien acoustic_arts bel_canto hifi high_end klangbilder mLink uLink Österreich Mon, 19 Nov 2012 11:40:00 GMT
Sempre Audio visits Accustic Arts factory (06.07.2012)  

Michael Holzinger (Sempre Audio) visited the Accustic Arts factory in Lauffen am Neckar near Stuttgart in Germany. It was a pleasure to meet the people behind Accustic Arts, to watch how the German high-end products are built, hand-made by the experienced staff, tested before shipping... My pleasure was to be the tour guide.


Michael Holzinger at the 2012 Accustic Arts Factory visit - Sempre Audio webzine.


The fully equipped record studio where the Accustic Arts Uncompressed World compact discs are mastered was a special highlight too.



Short visits in Heilbronn city, the Porsche museum in Stuttgart and castle Ludwigsburg made the tour perfect.


Porsche museum, Stuttgart: Porsche 911 Club Coupe 2012 - during Accustic Arts factory tour with Sempre Audio


Please look here for more photos!

[email protected] (Kircher HiFi Distribution) accustic_arts acoustic_arts austria deutschland germany hifi high_end lauffen michael_holzinger sempre_audio österreich Sat, 07 Jul 2012 22:18:00 GMT
visited Taurus High-End distributor in Hamburg (03-04.07.2012)  

Made a short trip - with Austrian Airlines - and visited the headquarter of Taurus High-End in Hamburg. The company is the German distributor for high-end audio brands like Magnepan, Wilson Benesch loudspeaker, Bel Canto electronics, Cardas cables, Soulution electronics... In Austria Taurus Highend is responsible for Magnepan, Bel Canto and Wilson Benesch.

I am the new sales agent for Austria now.


Walter Kircher is the new sales agent of Taurus High-End in Austria - representing brands like Magnepan, Bel Canto, Wilson Benesch and Raidho.


Look here for more photos of my trip to Hamburg!

[email protected] (Kircher HiFi Distribution) Austria Bel_Canto Hifi High_End Magnepan Raidho Taurus_highend Wilson_Benesch Österreich Wed, 04 Jul 2012 20:36:00 GMT
Sempre Audio tested Accustic Arts ES electronics (16.01.2012)  

Michael Holzinger publishes his test of Accustic Arts ES electronics - PLAYER ES and POWER ES! Thank you Michael for this excellent report!


Accustic Arts ES electronis tested in webzine Sempre Audio


Please read here the complete test online in German!

[email protected] (Kircher HiFi Distribution) accustic_arts acoustic_arts austria michael_holzinger player_es power_es sempre_audio streamer_es österreich Mon, 16 Jan 2012 21:20:00 GMT
Klangbilder 2011 - high end fair in Vienna Austria (11.-13.11.2011) 2nd time Klangbilder 2011 high-end show in Vienna with Accustic Arts and Audio Physic! Same location again, the Hilton Vienna Plaza  hotel at Schottenring, 1010 Vienna.


Accustic Arts reference line Klangbilder


used gear at high-end show:
  • complete Accustic Arts reference line electronics again with updated Tube DAC (my new kid)!
  • Audio Physic Virgo 25loudspeakers from reference line again - perfect companion of Accustic Arts Reference Series... ( I am sales agent for Styriahifi, the Austrian distributor of Audio Physic)

Accustic Arts TUBE DAC II - MK 2


The highlight (or my king) of the 2011 show was the new TUBE DAC II - MK 2, which plays now digital sources up to 24 Bit 192 kHz. The sound with high resolution files from the Laptop (my Sony Vaio Z with SSD, JRiver Mediacenter) was outstanding! My renewed and personal favorite for digital playback... smooth, detailed, delicate natural color, perfect timing, power with no limit!


The complete photo album is here!

[email protected] (Kircher HiFi Distribution) 2011 accustic_arts acoustic_arts audio_physic austria klangbilder vienna virgo_25 wien österreich Mon, 14 Nov 2011 22:15:00 GMT
ISF dealer training near Freilassing, Germany (25.09.2011) As sales agent for Screenprofessional (distributor of Stewart Filmscreen in Austria and Germany) I took part at the ISF training for 2 top dealers in Austria. Since February 2007 I am ISF certified too.


The American based Imaging Science Foundation has been helping video manufacturers, dealers and integrators to deliver superior image quality since 1994. Over 5500 dedicated attendees have been through their certification programs. 22 HDTV manufacturers now have ISF Certification.


isf training


Hartmut Bayer is one of 2 ISF instructors here and made this special training for us. Back in 2004 Hartmut an I bought together our first  expensive Colorfacts calibration gear from Milori in the US (later Datacolor) - so we have many years experience to calibrate high-end homecinemas projectors and displays.


Accustic Arts TUBE DAC II - MK 2


2004 Colorfacts or Sencore were the main software supplier for calibration - nowadays CalMAN is the most used one. The photo shows CalMAN in action to help the qualified calibrator in his workflow to get the best performance. The technique behind is similar how you profile a computer monitor for accurate colors working on your photos...


The complete photo album is here!


[email protected] (Kircher HiFi Distribution) Austria Heimkino hartmut_bayer homecinema imaging_science_foundation isf runco screenprofessional stewart_filmscreen Österreich Wed, 28 Sep 2011 18:58:00 GMT
Klangbilder 2010 - high end fair in Vienna Austria (05.-07.11.2010) My blog here is started - also posted the first photo album from the high end fair 2010 in Vienna Austria - KLANGBILDER 2010. ;)


The main theme of my blog will be my job - working in sales / marketing of high end audio video gear. My hobby as photographer helps me to report about the sound of gear, about special events and new toys. Therefore the new Page was created.


Dr. Ludwig Flich from Klangbilder demonstrating...Dr. Ludwig Flich, CEO of Klangbilder high-end show in Vienna!


so now some facts of the high end show Klangbilder 2010 in Vienna:

  • Accustic Arts electronics first time shown in Vienna! I am their sales agent in Austria...
  • Audio Physic Virgo 25 - new loudspeakers from reference line - perfect companion of Accustic Arts Reference Series... ( I am sales agent for Styriahifi, the Austrian distributor of Audio Physic)


The complete photo album is here!


[email protected] (Kircher HiFi Distribution) 2010 accustic_arts acoustic_arts audio audio_physic austria klangbilder ludwig_flich michael_holzinger vienna virgo_25 wien österreich Fri, 08 Oct 2010 09:35:00 GMT