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Analog Forum fair 2017 in Krefeld, Germany - first time took part at the analogue event of German Analogue Audio Association AAARainer Bergmann, chairman of Analogue Audio Association, cutting the cakeTune Audio Marvel horn loudspeakers and myselfDr. Feickert Analogue Blackbird as the analogue & only source!Complete Analog Forum setup listingWalter Kircher (left) and Yuri Zamazeev, owner of Chisto & Das Klang brandsChisto Easy Groove record cleaning fluidsRecord cleaning headquarters powered by Chisto and NessieNessie Vinylmaster cleaning machine used during fair to provide clean recordsDr. Feickert Analogue BlackbirdOur analogue setup for Krefeld in different perspectiveThe HighEndNovum PMR LP ONE record clamp & resonator made from bronze was a welcome add-on at the showConrad Mas, owner and ceo of AVID HIFIAVID HIFI good-better-best demonstrationEverything from one house - complete AVID HIFI setupAlternating in same board room IsoTek power conditioner workshopUwe Draabe from Hamburg, owner of Nessie and Hannl which manufacturer probably the best record cleaning machinesIn my neighbor room Chrsitain Feickert exhibited together with Dynavector and Musikelectronic GeithainDr. Christian Feickert (left) and Holger Barske (LP Magazin)Dr. Feickert Analogue Blackbird record player